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10g w/ 3 leopard danios:bruddaone (Stocking advice wanted)

Discussion in 'Freshwater General Discussion' started by bruddaone, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. bruddaone

    bruddaone Thread Starter New Member

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    Some of you may remember my school fair and Goldfish experience....anyway...yesterday I bought 3 leopard danios which appear to be enjoying the space...they have been zipping around and their color has come back...anyway not right now but I want to add something with them...they seem to stay at the bottom and I read somewhere where you could have some on the bottom the middle and the top...if possible I would like to do that with a 10 gallon tank....also would like to add something that cleans up the fish food at the bottom...anyone have any ideas....

  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    10g is on the small side for them, they do better in bigger tanks since they are very active.

    They'll get just a touch over 2" and although I wouldn't add anything else with them in a 10g....IF you do make sure it's nothing shy because you'll scare the crud outta it with the danios fast movements.

    Also, if your planning on adding others make sure you have good filtration and do a descent amount of regular water changes (25%) every week and add dechlorinator such as prime to ALL replacement water. They'll also appreciate plants to swim through (for example my danios loved zipping through ital. vals).

    Danios will inhabit the upper layers (top) normally.
    Dwarf Corydoras' for the bottom

    And these would be some of my recommendations IF your tank was a bit larger:
    Male balloon molly's, Male Swordtails, Rasboras, Other tetras such as the bloodfin tetras, honey or dwarf gourami, clown catfish, bristlenose pleco.
  3. bruddaone

    bruddaone Thread Starter New Member

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    Yea, I have plants and lava rocks....they haven't stopped moving since I put them in the tank yesterday...they appear to like the rocks and scoot around them continuously...if a 10g is too small what size should I have for them...they looked relatively small for a 10 gallon tank.
  4. YellowCichlid

    YellowCichlid New Member

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    With danios I would suggest at least a 20 gallon tank and at least 8 dainos since they are schooling fish
  5. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    2nd yellow cichlid
    If you go 20g this is what I would do:
    1)I'd do about 8-10 danios as yellow suggested
    2)I'd also add Boraras merah -Phoenix Rasboras (about 8-10)
    Yes, they are rather shy but I'd do a piece of driftwood and some bushier plants for them
    3)and finally I'd do a small school of corydoras (4-5) for the bottom
  6. bruddaone

    bruddaone Thread Starter New Member

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    Yea, I'm going to have to investigate doing the 20-29 gallon...I just bought a lot of stuff for the 10 gallon specifically a 30 dollar heater that's only good for a 15 gallon tank....not sure I want to re-purchase all that stuff although I'm sure I can transfer over everything accept the heater and the filter...

    I'll see what I can find on Craigslist...
  7. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    can you return what you bought?
    if you have the room use the 10g for quarantine (planted, shrimp colony, etc).
    Also check ebay & aquabid...sometimes you can luck into someone gettting out of the hobby and score a "lot" deal.