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29G advice

Discussion in 'Freshwater General Discussion' started by Rain, Feb 13, 2011.

  1. Rain

    Rain Thread Starter New Member

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    I’m getting a 29 gallon soon and I’m thinking of making it a “red tank.” The plan is to have black gravel, dark and bright green plants, and small red fish. I’m thinking of having 6 Kuhli Loaches, 6 Scarlet Badis, 6 Cherry Barbs, 6 Chili Rasboras, 4 Albino Red Male Guppies, and 4 Killifish (two pairs). I would like to have 6 Ruby Red Pencilfish, but I doubt I can get them.

    Are these all compatible?

    I’m thinking of Eco-Complete Black or Black Sand Flourite. Does anyone have any experience with either of these? Would the sand or small pebbles be better for the Kuhli Loaches?

    Does anyone have Scarlet Badis, Chili Rasboras, Killifish, or Ruby Red Pencilfish they would sell me when the weather is better?

    Any suggestions for (mostly) red Killifish?

    Any suggestions for other small red fish?

    Thank you!
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    CaribSea Instant Aquarium Tahitian Moon Substrate

    CaribSea Tahitian Moon:
    small grain 0.1mm - large grain 0.3mm
    suited for planted aquariums
    no need to rinse
    doesn't muck with tank water parameters
    softbellly safe
    still easy to siphon when doing partials (I've used it before)
    link to mini review with photo of tank done with it--> see above.

    mfr. directions:
    I'd recommend going with this over eco-complete...not only is it cheaper, but I think the loaches will like it better with the smaller grain size.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2014
  3. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    CaribSea Eco-Complete Planted
    small grain 1.0mm - large grain 6.0mm
    suited for planted aquariums
    no need to rinse
    may INITIALLY muck with water parameters (mainly if using R.O. Water)
    soft belly safe
    still easy to siphon when doing partials (I've used it before, as has Anthony)
    >this has jumped up in price considerably

    mfr. directions:
    Eco-Complete Planted Faq:
    photos attached of tank done with this to give you a better "visual"

    2-25-09 Various aquatic species can be seen!.jpg 11-24-09 Hans Discus12.jpg
  4. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    For Stocking/Compatiblity--> The Aquarium Advisor Tank Stocking Calculator

    Mine were originally kept with the eco-complete, the pool filter sand, and now substrate...really can't say I notice a difference..mine never really "rooted" through the sand, but from their small perspective I would say smaller is better so Sand would be my opinion.[/quote]

    I personally don't, but my lfs has most/if no all of what you've listed and will ship and even order species if you ask (or at least they have for me) and I think they're still running the 25% off sale--> oddball pets and aquariumsOddball Pets and Aquariums | The BEST Aquarium store in Pittsburgh!

    Aphyosemion bivitattum
    Aphyosemion striatum
    do a google images on red killifish...I'm sure you'll find more!

    [*]Red Serpae Tetra (hi-fins are soo pretty)
    [*]Red Phantom Tetra
    [*]Velvet Red Eyed Swordtail (the ones with the high top fin and flowy tail fins are stunners..i think they refer to them as super sailfins or something like that)
    [*]Red Glass Barb
    [*]Red Platy
    [*]Red Flourescent glo-danio (I know I'll be blasted for this recommendation, research how they get their color)
    [*]Red Fire Gourami
    [*]The obvious Red Male/Female Bettas
    [*]Red Guppies, I seen some listed as "pink" on aquabid, but looked more reddish to me (Red Deltas, Full Red Deltas, etc)
    [*]Harlequin Tetra
    [*]Cherry Barb
    [*]Adrian has some New Fire Red Peacock endlers, although I've never seen one in person.
    [*]not a fish, but Red Cherry Shrimp
    Not all red, but splashes of red:
    [*]Bloodfin Tetra
    [*]Melanotaenia praecox
    [*]Double Red Cockatoo Apistogramma
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2014
  5. WhiteGloveAquatics

    WhiteGloveAquatics New Member

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    my kuhllis are born and bred on eco complete, no issues at all and mine do live in the substrate with my banjo cats.

    If you want an excellent schooling fish id stick with bloodfin tetras, I have 50 in my 210 and its an awesome sight as they never break school.

    I personally wouldnt house a badis with the fish you listed, my buddy has a few of em and they (well his are) highly aggressive.

    sand and small pebbles are fine for bottom dwelling fish. I have over 150 barbell equipped fish and their barbells are 100% perfect and do not get damaged with the gravel size. my 45H is being used to house nothing but cories and dwarf plecos and even with the river rocks in there the barbell fish do just fine.
  6. Rain

    Rain Thread Starter New Member

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    Okay, because half the fish on the list probably won’t get any food, I’ve reconsidered. I like the look of the Tahitian Moon - CaribSea Instant Aquarium Substrate (at least from pictures), so I figured I could use that with Seachem Flourish. I figured the Scarlet Badis would be too hard and picky to feed, so I’ll get four for a five gallon and leave them out of the Red Tank. I’m also hearing that most Killifish are fin-nippers. I had Galaxy Rasboras before that were really slow to eat, so I’m wondering if the Chili Rasboras will be, too. My new fish list is…

    6 Black Kuhli Loaches
    6 Cherry Barbs
    6 Red or Albino Red male Guppies or Endlers
    6 Red Phantom Tetra
    1 Red Fire Dwarf Gourami
    Maybe a pair of German Blue Rams to add a little color.

    I’m not sure about the Red Phantom Tetra because when I Google-imaged them, some didn’t look very red. I had a Serpea Tetra once that relentlessly attacked all my fish. The Red Phantom Tetra looks to be nicer.

    I’m also wondering if I should have a bigger pack of Black Kuhli Loaches.

    Does anyone have any experience with Chili Rasboras? I worry they’ll be too slow to get to the food.
  7. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    cherry barbs (any barb for that matter) are fin nippers and will shred your guppies AND endlers, they'll probably go after the dwarf gourami too and definately have conflicts with the rams and vice versa.
  8. FishVixen

    FishVixen Active Member

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    Rams are difficult to keep. Bolivian Rams are the most hardy but still difficult. Yes and barbs are nippers.
  9. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    ram trick- high temps, low ph and weekly partials of at least 25%
    basically like discus, but minus the high feedings and large amounts of waste.
  10. Rain

    Rain Thread Starter New Member

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    Thank you for the replies, only now I doubt I should have a red tank. Everything just keeps getting crossed off the list. I love my cherry barbs and want them and maybe more in a 29 gallon. I want a bigger school of black kuhli loaches, too. I’ve never had a pleco before, so I would like to get one, but it’s not a must-have.

    Can someone suggest small (or very nice), supper colorful and exotic (but not horribly expensive) fish that would look awesome in a 29G stuffed with plants? I don’t want neon, glowlight, serape, bleeding heart, black phantom, or red phantom tetras, harlequin rasboras, or any others that I can get for $1 at Petco.

    Can someone suggest a pleco that looks great but doesn’t cost a fortune, won’t hurt my plants or fish, and will forever live happily in a 29 gallon?

    Or maybe I should leave my cherries where they’re at and put something else in the tank, but that leaves me at back to nowhere. So can someone suggest fish that will fit in a 29 gallon and look supper awesome, especially with black sand gravel and lots of plants?
  11. FishVixen

    FishVixen Active Member

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    A long fin bristle nose pleco looks great in planted tanks. Albinos, regulars, chocolates,...... they all look nice.
    any type of a platinum color fish really stands out in planted tanks. 2 platinum blue angels would be spectacular in a 29. I have 5 in a 55 planted tank.
  12. cooltow1

    cooltow1 Member

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    Check out some of the Dwarf New World Cichlids they have some nice reds

  13. Rain

    Rain Thread Starter New Member

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    I love the idea of having an angelfish, I didn’t realize a 29 gallon was large enough. New list:
    2 Angelfish (either one platinum blue and one double dark black OR two platinum blue)
    6 Cherry barbs
    6 Black kuhli loaches
    1 Long-finned albino bristlenose plecostomus (If I can afford one. Regular albino bristlenose if I can’t)
    Maybe a Double Full Red Agassizi, but I would have to give up something else because it would be overstocked.

    1) Where do I get the angelfish? I’ve found the platinums on Angelfish USA, Angelsplus.com, Blackwater Aquatics. I don’t know if they’re reliable. I want to get young ones and all Aquabid has of little ones that I can find are of big groups.

    2) Same question for the plecos, Aquabid has them in fours and pairs, I would just want a little male.

    3) According to Aqadvisor.com, these fish are all compatible, but has anyone had a bad experience with one of these combinations? In particular, is there any chance the angels would make a snack out of my cherries when they grow into adults? Or will the pleco and loaches bother each other?

    4) The food I plan to feed them: NLS Small Fish, Lotsoffish mix#2, algae wafers, and bloodworms. What about a vegetable? Are canned green beans good? And maybe thawed daphnia and mysis shrimp?

    5) Can I use any type of wood for the pleco or is there a favourite for them?
  14. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Agree with the longfin Bristlenose Pleco, graceful...don't harm anyone including the plants and can easily be supplemented with algae tabs (hikari being the best). Just make sure you have some type of aquarium safe wood (ie. driftwood) because they require something to "rasp" on and it's a necessity to their diet.
    Actually standard bristlenoses would work great too...depends on what you like but they average 4" (adult size) and do fine both alone and in groups.

    29g fish that isn't a buck, but doesn't cost a fortune and looks nice and are ok with planted tanks:
    [*]Discus (2 max)...for colors you can check my 90g thread & see mine since I keep dif. color var.
    [*]Rams (Microgeophagus altispinosa is what I keep and I find them defin. more hardy than the golds and blues)
    [*]Rummynose Tetra
    [*]Emperor Tetra (purple)
    [*]Neon or Cardinal Tetra
    [*]Ornate Tetra
    [*]Red Phantom tetra (as close as I could get to your desired Cherry Barb)
    [*]Black Morpho Tetra (Poecilocharax weitzmani)
    [*]Boraras briggitae (Red Fin Dwarf Rasbora)
    [*]Dwarf Gourami (Honey's & Flame/Turquoise for color lovers)
    [*]even a Moonlight Gourami (although they are NOT a dwarf species) or Pearl Gourami
    [*]red velvet high fin lyretail sword, or even the marigold lyretails are colorful
    [*]Kohaku Swordtail (think koi)
    [*]Tangerine Swordtails
    [*]Dwarf Teacup Platy
    [*]Fancy fantail guppies (ie. Red Rose, Tequila Sunrise, Japanese Blue Swordtail, Blue Moscow/Gold Pastel, ) (although sometimes you can score nice ones under the $1 sale)
    [*]Endlers (Yellow Tiger, Laguna de Patos, Scarlett,
    [*]Poecilia Butleri
    [*]Limia vittata
    [*]Betta (male or group of females)~ I like the crowntails for the flowy finnage
    [*]Longfin Glass Barbs (red)
    [*]Gardneri Panchax Killifish
    [*]Keyhole Cichlid, Kribensis, & rosybarbs are all compatible together~friend recommends
    [*]Rainbowfish (ie. Praecox,
    [*]Top Level Recommendations: Longfin or something like the purple passion var. of danio, Deep Bodied Marble or silver hatchetfish
    [*]Celestichthys margaritatus (Celestial Pearl Danio)
    [*]Peacock Gudgeon
    [*]Crimson Loach
    [*]Longfin Albino Bristlenose Pleco
    [*]Dwarf African Frogs- Albinos
    Aquabid Nice Fish seller id- lotsoffish
    Aqubid Nice Plants seller id- BayleesFishees
  15. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Good luck finding single ones, especially being a male if it's an albino longfin. Don't forgot the driftwood to "rasp" on.

    Canned french cut green beans with no sodium/salt are a favorite of my bristlenose gangs.

    Driftwood, but if not water logged will float for quite some time depending on the size...I mount mine to slate using galvanized wood screws to keep them down.
  16. Rain

    Rain Thread Starter New Member

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    Those purple passion danios look awesome under google images! Are they really that blue or do they need special lighting? I looked them up but didn’t find much other than that they’re also called rose danios. Do they eat well or are they slow? I assume they school or shoal? And since the AqAdvisor doesn’t say they’re incompatible with angels, I’m guessing angels are really peaceful. But I keep hearing that a breeding pair of angels are very aggressive.

    Newest list:
    1 Angelfish
    2 German blue rams (1 pair)
    2 Long-finned albino bristlenose plecostomus (young as I can get)
    2 Dwarf gourami OR 5 purple passion danios OR some other small blue schooling fish
    6 Cherry barbs

    The angelfish can’t get aggressive during mating if he doesn’t have a mate. I know where I can get the danios online, but they like cooler temperatures than the rams. Plus the rams add blue to the tank, and I don’t know if the danios are really that blue. I could even add a school of neon tetras instead, but I’d worry the angel would eat them.

    Will the dwarf gouramis fight if I get two males? I figure a 29 gallon with lots of plants should give them space, but I've never had them, so I don't know.

    Will the plecos help keep my sand clean of uneaten food?

    Will the rams be hard to feed down there on the bottom?

    Is a 39% water change every week too much of a shock?

    Is the Tahitian Moon sand hard to clean with a siphon?
  17. Rain

    Rain Thread Starter New Member

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    Well, I read that the plecos don't like the high temperature that the rams need, and heard that the gouramis might attack the angel. That list is also overstocked. So how about this?

    1 Platinum Blue Angelfish
    2 Long-finned albino bristlenose plecostomus OR 2 German blue rams (1 pair)
    6 Cherry barbs
  18. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    fyi--> I keep albino longfins and they do fine in high temps...just acclimate them properly.
    German blue rams are more difficult to keep than per say the Mikr. species (more sensitive).
  19. Rain

    Rain Thread Starter New Member

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    For 1 Platinum Blue Angelfish, 6 Cherry Barbs, and 2 Albino Longfin Bristlenose Plecos, I plan to feed them New Life Spectrum - Small Fish formula, lotsoffish mix # 2, frozen bloodworms, daphnia, mysis shrimp, Hikari Algae Wafers, and canned french cut green beans with no sodium/salt.

    This is just a rough guess…

    Monday: NLS, Algae Wafer, Green beans
    Tuesday: Bloodworms, Algae Wafer
    Wednesday: Lotsoffish mix # 2, Algae Wafer
    Thursday: Daphnia, Algae Wafer
    Friday: NLS, Algae Wafer, Green beans
    Saturday: Mysis shrimp, Algae Wafer
    Sunday: Lotsoffish mix # 2, Algae Wafer

    1) How much of an algae wafer do I need to feed for two little plecos, and how much when they get bigger?

    2) How many green beans for two little plecos, and how many for when they get bigger?

    3) How long will the green beans last when I open the can?

    4) If I feed them zucchini (if my grocery store ever gets any) do I need to cook it first? How much do I feed them?

    5) Should I not feed the plecos an algae wafer if I feed them green beans or zucchini?

    6) Is meat three days a week too much/little?

    7) Please tell me if I need to feed anything on this list more or less often, or not at all.

    Thank you!
  20. Rain

    Rain Thread Starter New Member

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    I got my tank set up and my Plecos!
    DSC09751.JPG DSC09755.JPG DSC09758.JPG