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Article About Plecos

Discussion in 'Aquarium Equipment & Decor' started by MOD_Dawn, Aug 16, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Things you should know about Plecos:

    1) ALL SPECIES OF PLECOS ARE DIFFERENT! Some like muddy, hot, slow moving water (Stripes Peckolia). Some like crystal clear, fast moving water that is a little cooler (Blue Panaque).

    2) All Plecos have different food requirements. Some eat algae. Some are carnivorous. Some are scavengers. Some eat wood. Most will eat a combination of the above.

    3) Some Plecos can be aggressive to other fish, especially slow moving or sick ones. The most aggressive are the Gibbiceps. Royals can also be somewhat aggressive.

    4) Many Plecos can grow quite large, so make sure that you have enough aquarium space for them to grow into.

    5) Coloration in Plecos can be remarkably different within a species, depending on the region where the Pleco was caught.

    6) Most plecos show some characteristics of chameleon like color changes depending on their background (the L060 Lyretail Chameleon Pleco and the L110 Red Spot Bristlenose are good examples), so keep that in mind when you set up their aquarium.