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Afraid of a hybrid

Discussion in 'Cichlids' started by WynterNyghtmare, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. WynterNyghtmare

    WynterNyghtmare Thread Starter New Member

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    I just got three new black belt cichlids today, and I'm waiting to see what sex they're (still small) my plans for them are to get rid of males and keep females and introduce them in with a larger male Vieja Argentea/white cichlid once they get bigger, and I know that the black belt is a kind of Vieja as well, so I just want to know if these two fish are compatible with interbreeding (Which I don't want :cool: )
    thank you
  2. HBIC

    HBIC Need help??? That's what we're here for :)

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    Good question considering they are both Vieja and from the same regions.