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Angelic Catfish-Synodontis angelicus

Discussion in 'Fish Profiles' started by MOD_Dawn, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Family:Naked catfish, Mochokidae.
    Characteristics:About 12 in. Final size sometimes given as 22 in. Hard to sex.
    Tank/Water:225g, water types 2-5, 76-83F/
    Care:One of several; each specimen needs it own hiding place. Larger tanks with roots. Some can be quarrelsome with another fish, especially if you keep only two specimens. Omnivore.
    Habits:Nocturnal species that hides during the day in cracks and caves in submerged dead wood in the current of large rivers of the Congo basin.
    Compatibility:Good in display tanks with large African cichlids (such as Tilapia) or characins (Distichodus).
    Synodontis angelicus.jpg