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Assorted Plants and Driftwood

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by LemonDiscus, Aug 7, 2010.

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  1. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Thread Starter Active Member

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    I have several plants from my display tank that I need to get rid of. I still havent made an exact count of my inventory but I have the following plants (quantities are estimated)

    Amazon Sword (mid-size adult) - 15-20
    Red Tiger Lotus - 1
    Chain Sword (small size) - 20-40
    Red Wendtii (Crypt) - 1 or 2?

    I would like to sell these plants if possible and prefer not to ship, however I may consider for a descent enough offer.... All plants make offers.

    I also have a few pieces of driftwood I would like not to throw away... 1 HUGE piece (20" x 13" x 20") and some smaller tank friendly ones (around a 55 gallon size)... All of the pieces are visible in my 125 tank photos in my signature...

    (Note/Disclaimer: I have had an infestation of hair/beard algae and both the plants and the driftwood have algae on them. The plants are healthy and just need to be dipped and the driftwood needs to be scrubbed and dipped as well... Just wanted to point that out so there is no false impressions made...)
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Hey Ryan, was thinking you dropped off the face of the earth for a bit... breaking down the big tank?
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