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Article Barbs Fin-Nipping Behavior

Discussion in 'Aquarium Equipment & Decor' started by MOD_Dawn, Jul 11, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Barbs Fin-Nipping Behavior

    Although barbs are generally placid, certain species can be troublesome because they nip at the fins of other fish sharing their tank. This applies especially to Tiger Barbs.

    Fish with trailing fins are most at risk, including young angelfish (Pterophyllum species) and various gouramis, as well as male Siames fighting fish (Betta splendens). Long-finned variants of other species, such as danios and guppies, are also vulnerable to being harried in this way.

    The reason for this fin-nipping behavior is unclear. Unfortunately, there is little that can be done to prevent it, so take great care when choosing tankmates for Tiger Barbs and other fin-nippers. Minor fin damage usually heals over the course of several weeks, but repeated assualts and constant harassment by a group of Tiger Barbs can prove fatal.

    Tiger Barbs will even occasionally show aggression toward each other, to reinforce the order of dominance within a shoal. Any Tiger Barbs added later to an existing group are likely to be bullied.
  2. Cay

    Cay New Member

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    i have like 18 masheers in a tank. masheers are big predatory barbs. but once in a while i notice chunks of my masheers fin missing. i dunno if its becuz of the masheers or the clown loaches in the same tank. thank god they grow back quick though : )
  3. WhiteGloveAquatics

    WhiteGloveAquatics New Member

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    My tiger barbs fight amongst themselves and have already been proven to by the big angels that they are not top fish in that tank. I even witnessed one of my juve angels being chased by all the barbs and the male and female angel stepped in and that was the end of that, about 8 weeks ago. Now they stay clear of the other fish in the tank, all the fish and keep it to themselves, However they do spill out and slam into other fish then the big angels start swimming high in the tank and charging the barbs.