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Article Choosing A Heater & Heating the Aquarium

Discussion in 'Aquarium Equipment & Decor' started by MOD_Dawn, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Thermostatic heaters are the most popular and reliable means of heating a tank. They are available in various lengths for aquariums of different depths, and in different power (wattage) ratings. All about 100 watts for every 26 gallons of water, and choose a unit that can be fully submerged in your tank. Thermostatic heaters keep water temperature constant by switching the heater element on and off repeatedly. For this reason, they have a relatively short life-span, and should be replaced every two years or so.

    Although good-quality heaters are reliable, it is wise to put a seperate thermometer in the tank to pick up any irregularities in temperature. This should not be positioned directly above the heater. Thermostatic heaters are suitable for use with most fish, but some aggressive species with razor-sharp teeth, such as piranhas, can cut through electrical cables. For these fish, undergravel heating units, which are not accessible, are preferred.

    Thermostatic heaters can only add heat to the tank. In warm climates, overheated rooms, or tanks under bright lights, it may be necessary to install a chiller to reduce water temperature.

    Short heaters are suitable for small breeding or isolation tanks.

    A heating cable may be installed in the base of the tank, beneath substrate.


    A freshwater aquarium is usually heated to 76-79F using a thermostatic heater.
    This is a special waterproof electrical heating element that incorporates a thermostat; the thermostat measures water temperature and switches off the heater when the desired level has been reached. The most efficient units are those than can be fully emerged in the water.

    A high-compacity tank may need two or even three heaters to maintain the target temperature throughout its whole volume, and more heaters may need to be added in the winter months. Even in a smaller tank, using two heaters is a sensible precaution; if one fails, the other will provide the necessary heat. The overall cost of heating the tank will remain the same as if one device were used.

    There are two basic types of aquarium thermometers---
    the traditional alcohol-filled design and the LCD type which fits onto the outside of the aquarium glass.


    [*]Make sure the power supply is disconnected BEFORE placing your hands in the water
    [*]Allow the heater time to cool before lifting it out of the water
    [*]Avoid trailiing cords and adaptors. Consider using a cable organizer instead.

    Side Note> Fish vary greatly in their temperature requirements. The White Cloud Mountain Minnow is adaptable, surviving happily in temperatures from 66-82F.
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Aquarium Heater Size Guide

    Go here for Aquarium Heater Size Guide Chart--> http://freshaquarium.about.com/od/heati ... eguide.htm
  3. Guidoman888

    Guidoman888 New Member

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    It should be a sticky dawn. ur being very usefull
  4. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    that's what I keep telling myself too. (useful). haha...as I sit wrapped in my blankie cuz its sooo cold with the a/c behind me. Gosh darn people won't let me shut it off. Ugh!
  5. Guidoman888

    Guidoman888 New Member

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    Pff.. I live with you dawn :) Its cold in here too.. The a/c is on 24/7 :|
  6. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    lol. same here...i look like a freak totally hidden within my blankie and all you see is a tiny face sticking out. lol!