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Dawn Tetra (Aphyocharax paraguayensis)

Discussion in 'Freshwater General Discussion' started by JIM, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. JIM

    JIM Thread Starter New Member

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    awww.aquariumlife.net_profile_images_dawn_tetra.jpg Dawn Tetra, White Spot Tetra, Rio Paraguay Tetra, Panda Tetra
    Family: Characidae
    Species Type: Characins
    Maximum Size: 2 inches
    Life Span: 5 years
    Natural Habitat: South American Rivers (Rio Paraguay Basin)
    Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
    Tank Region: Middle to surface of tank
    Possible Tank Mates: Other small community fish.
    A rare species in the trade, the Rio Paraguay Tetra is usually only encountered accidentally when it appears as contaminant in a shipment of another species of tetra. Though not imported very often, this species is hardy and does well in captivity. This is one of the several species of tetra that mimics Corydoras hastatus in coloration. This is a very active species. Because of this a tank of at least 3 feet should be provided.