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Article Fish Nutrition Breakdown...What Your Fish Really Needs!

Discussion in 'Aquarium Equipment & Decor' started by MOD_Dawn, Dec 24, 2010.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    I was reading my fish magazine and came across what I believe to be a helpful article for those of us who are wondering how much of what particular nutrient category our fish friends should be receiving within their diet.

    According to the article written by Mark A. Mitchell, D.V.M., Ph. D in general the following amount of Fiber, Fat, and proteins species that should be received are...

    Ominvorous Species
    Fiber: 2-3%
    Fat: 5-10%
    Protein: 30-40%

    Carnivorous Species
    Fiber: 2-3%
    Fat: 8-15%
    Protein: 40-50%

    Herbivorous Species
    Fiber: 3-5%
    Fat: 3-5%
    Protein: 20-30%

    now the more intellectual babble...
    [*]Protein. Carnivores and omnivores consume protein by eating other animals; herbivores get protein from plants. Plant proteins are an important component of many commercial diets, even for carnivores and ominivores. The quality of protein is determined by correct amino acid levels.
    [*]Fats. Highly saturated fats (e.g., animal fats) are hard for fish to process. So, it is preferred that fish diets use highly unsaturated fats.
    [*]Fiber.A lot of people do not realize that fiber is an important element in fish diets. Like protein and fats, it should not be overlooked.
    [*]Vitamins and minerals. These are vital and serve as building blocks for many structures in the body (e.g., muscle, bones). Although minerals are included in fish diets, much of their daily mineral needs can be acquired through the water if water hardness is good.

    >Vitamins that fish need include A, D, E, K, B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B8 (inositol), B9 (folic acid), B12 (cobalamin), choline and C (ascorbic acid).

    >Minerals that fish need include calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, selenium, iodine, phosphorus and potassium.

    Is the Food To Blame?

    Potential Diet-Related Issues such as obesity is a common problem in captive (aquarium kept) fish because of the high-energy foods we provide and the limited energy expenditures of captive fish. Obesity in fish does have negative effects, so we must limit the amount of food we provide.
    Some of the disease conditions we encounter with captive fish have been attributed to deficiencies in captive diets. To minimize the likelihood of problems, diversify the diet of captive fish.