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Fluval U-4; any input?

Discussion in 'Aquarium Equipment & Decor' started by Ms. Wright, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. Ms. Wright

    Ms. Wright Thread Starter Member

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    Kind of along the same lines. :D I've used the Fluval submersibles (304) for ages in my 55 and my 150, and have loved them. The one in my 55 is showing its age, so I looked at PetsMart today, and it's a whole new Fluval world. These look slightly more complex, although the box touts the "ease of media changes". (the 304s are a piece of cake anyway). My big issue is that the 304s have an air intake where I put my looong piece of tubing (the fishes love to knock them out of place) and a Venturi valve. I really like the strong air exchange near the top of the tank, and the new ones don't have that; there's just a valve on the front. I have big geos in that tank, and I like to keep it moving.
    Has anybody tried them yet? They're not exorbitantly expensive, but they're pricier than the older models.
    (And lordy, if I needed a computerized gizmo to tell me when to change media, I'd get out of the hobby) ;) That's just kind of silly.
    fluval u4.jpg
  2. cooltow1

    cooltow1 Member

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    Not a big fan of submersibles so I can't say I ever tried any submersible for that matter but for $80 I'll go with and old AC110
