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FS: Aquarium Plants - VA - Shipping/PU

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by James0816, Jan 19, 2011.

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  1. James0816

    James0816 Thread Starter New Member

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    Ladies and Gentlemen ... It's time.

    Lots of trimming has been going on of late and trying to get everything situated. With that, I have some plants that would like to find a new place to grow.

    Most of these are low maintenance plants but I grow them in medium to high light, with ferts and CO2.

    Balansae - $3/plant
    Pontederiifolia - $4/plant
    Wendtii 'bronze' / 'green' - $2/plant

    Bacopa Monnieri - .50/stem
    Ludwigia Repens x Arcuata - .50/stem
    Myriophyllum Aquaticum (Parrots Feather) - $1/stem ** SPECIAL NOTE ** Please check to see if this plant is banned in your state. If so, I cannot and will not sale it to you. Sorry.

    Bolbitis Heudelotii (African Water Fern) - COMMING SOON
    Ceratopteris Thalictroides (Water Sprite) - $2/plant
    Echinodorus Angustifolia - PENDING
    Microsorum Pteropus (Java Fern) - $2/plant
    Nymphoides Aquatica (Banana Plant) - $2/plant
    Ranunculus Inundatus - $2/node
    Sagittaria Subulata (Dwarf Sag) - $1/plant
    [strike]Subwassertang[/strike] - SOLD OUT

    RAOK: - Cost of Shipping Only
    Duckweed (Lesser and Giant combined)
    Ceratopteris Cornuta (Indian Fern) - I use it as a floater but can be planted
    Taxiphyllum Barbieri (Java Moss)
    Bladder (Physidae) and Pond Snails (Lymnaea) - Just figured I'd check if any wants/needs them. ;o)

    - There will be the possibility of getting bladder and/or pond snails. I will try to ensure the plants are clean prior to shipping but make no guarantees.
    - Some stems have been floating at the top for a spell and it shows by being a little bent (bad habit I have got to get out of). As well, some have also started throwing side shoots. They are currently anchored down in a large rubbermaid tub to help straighten them back up but will do nicely once properly planted and taken care of.
    - There will surely be more added to this list as I dive deeper in the tanks. Look for high light and soft water plants in the future as well.

    - Flat rate of $6 to cover USPS priority mail.
    - Check your weather. If you would like a heat pack in with the plants, they are $2 additional.
    - Local pickup/delivery in the Fredericksburg/Richmond VA areas possible.

    Please PM or email at Jammer0816@gmail for availability. I'll try to keep this updated as much as possible but it's always best to check to be sure.
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