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Great Danio-Danio aequipinnatus

Discussion in 'Fish Profiles' started by MOD_Dawn, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Great Danio

    Origins:Asia, occuring in western India as well as on the neighboring island of Sri Lanka.
    Size: 6"
    Diet:Flake and livefoods.
    Water:Temperature 72-75F;soft (50 mg/l) and acidic to neutral (pH 6.5-7.0)
    Temperament:Peaceful and social.

    A series of alternating narrow yellow and broad blue horizontal lines typify the body coloration of the Great Danio. In spite of its name, this fish rarely attains maximum size in home aquariums, and is quite suitable for inclusion in a community tank. In common with many other danios, an increase in water temperature and livefoods will help to encourage spawning behavior. A typical spawning will comprise 300 to 400 eggs.

    Note>Males have thinner bodies than females and a straight blue stripe extended through the tail indicates a male.
    Danio aequipinnatus.jpg