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need help with hagen elite stingray 15- entrapment

Discussion in 'Aquarium Equipment & Decor' started by Anonymous, Mar 12, 2009.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Problems with Stingray Filter

    All right. When I purchased my tank, I trusted the pet shop to sell me all of the correct goods for the tank I purchased. The filter included with my tank was a Hagen Elite Stingray 15, which I now know was much too small. But that was not the only issue I had. I don't know how, but a good lot of my tetras got stuck behind the filter and died during the struggle to get free. They were by the suckers that hold the filter to the side of the glass.

    Has this ever happened to anyone before? What could be the reasons for the fish getting stuck?

    Fortunately, I did my research and got an appropriately sized fluval filter (which works much better!) and allows much more space between the glass and filter. The fish are currently thriving.
  2. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Active Member

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    I never had fish get stuck like that... :confused:
  3. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Me either. I assume that filter is specific to overseas.
  4. Guidoman888

    Guidoman888 New Member

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    One of my neons got stuck behind it to.. They had to get used to the power of my filter 1 got suck in . The rest is still alive. (over 3 months now)
  5. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Wow! If ya had to use it I'd say put a lil sponge pre-filter over it to prevent aquatic stickage (death)