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New tank setup- dying fish

Discussion in 'Fish Diseases & Cures' started by crayondragon, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    In a 10 gallon tank I wouldn't recommend goldfish. Goldfish are really messy and it may cause you more problems with all the ammonia/waste they produce. If you want to get something and take them back you might want to try something like Zebra Danios.
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    With a 10g I'd put a bottle of tetra safe start to give you bb....check to see that its cycled..and then go simple.
    A male betta would be pretty>>>3 Corydoras would keep the bottom clean and provide entertainment>>>Maybe a mystery snail (golden)>>and a potted plant or 2 (crypts would work nicely...my betta loves hiding under the red and green wendtii's and they "spread" rather than getting tall)...
    Advice..stay away from colored (red plants, pinkish) because you'll need higher light, co2, and need to get into "dosing"
  3. crayondragon

    crayondragon Thread Starter New Member

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    Dawn- I have both tetra safe and prime... I have been using both in the tank. Right now my tank is sitting with lights on and bubblers and filter going. I just don't want to set myself up for dead fish again. Why does it have to be so hard. lol. I suppose I will have to go get some fish because the ammonia ratio just plain scares me! lol
  4. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    <--felt the same way about the ammonia method (plus have to be careful with smells due to asthma..just about anything triggers it).

    Tetra safe shoulda just been dump the lil bottle in there and prime should only be put in when your adding/replacing water.

    Make sure your temp is 78F to 80F for tropicals.

    Does your lfs have media that they will swap with you (i know my one has new sponge filters..and if you buy one and ask them, they will swap it with one of theirs that is inside a working tank so you can have beneficial bacteria to start with).

    Fish that are hardy for cycling and super cheap are Zebra Danios (get yourself about 3 of them) if your going that route.

    Once you get it cycled I'll be glad to help you along the way :)

    I hate to say it, but it's defin true when we tell you that having a large tank is MUCH easier to keep stable than a small one.

    When I started out years and years back I always had deaths...but once I jumped up from 10g to 55g things started actually living..and I mean long! considering I had no clue what I was doing I was happy as a clam.

    Not saying it's impossible to keep anything in a 10g...but I would say it's easier doing a betta in there and snails, especially until you get the hang of things. (cheaper to start...then work your way up).
  5. crayondragon

    crayondragon Thread Starter New Member

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    Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:46 pm
    So, I posted something a few weeks ago and tried desperately to get my tank under control. I have a 10 gallon tank with guppies that kept dying. I can't find my post or I would continue under there...

    My tank has been sitting with no fish in it for about 3-4 weeks now. I got tired of them dying and was going to give up. I was given the suggestion to buy some zebra Dions (don't know if that is the correct name). I purchased 2 more guppies from petsmart. I am going to only have these 2 fish and try to do EVERYTHING right this time. After the tank is cycled then I will buy a few more... I want to give my #'s and maybe someone can tell me where to go from here.... I finally bought a master test kit...

    Ammonia- .25-.50
    Nitrates- 10
    Nitrites- 0
    PH- 7.6-7.8

    My temp is set to 78... 25% of the water had evaporated out, so I added the water back and then did an additional 25% water change...

    This is where I'm at, can you please tell me what I need to do to get to where I need to be?

    [nemo] Crayondragon
  6. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:31 pm
    For future reference on the index page there is a link on the right that says "View your posts". If you click that you will see every post you've ever made on the forum: Here's a link. Also, you posted this in the Saltwater section so I'm going to move it to the Freshwater area.
  7. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:34 pm
    When did you add the fish (How many days ago) ?
    It's odd that you have nitrates already. You might want to test your tap water and see if that has a nitrate reading.
  8. stevenrox

    stevenrox New Member

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    Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:37 pm
    welcome back lol
  9. crayondragon

    crayondragon Thread Starter New Member

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    Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:17 am
    Is it possible that the nitrates are there from the previous fish??? Is it a problem if the tap water has nitrates in it already?

    The fish have been in since today...


    [nemo] Crayondragon
  10. crayondragon

    crayondragon Thread Starter New Member

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    This post was merged with my old post, if you need to catch up?
  11. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Did you not clean the tank after the previous fish died ? If not then that could be the cause of the nitrates.
  12. crayondragon

    crayondragon Thread Starter New Member

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    No I didn't. I didn't know where to go from the last time. I just know that I do want fish!
  13. crayondragon

    crayondragon Thread Starter New Member

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    Alright, now it's day three and I have 1 dead fish. Good news is, if I could make it to where I got them then they would give me a free one... BUT it's 30 miles away.

    What should I do from here?

    I don't know if it's normal, but I have like a white fuzz on my Heater, and it may be on my plants and fixtures too ... is that usual bacteria? HELP!!!! Please!

  14. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Active Member

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    The white fuzz sounds like a fungus... its not harmful and does nothing beneficial either... remove it or leave it be... either way it does not matter..

    You have a piece of driftwood in your tank dont you? If so that is where the fuzz came from... again... its not good or bad... just there
  15. crayondragon

    crayondragon Thread Starter New Member

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    No, I don't have driftwood in my tank.... And now... something is turning my statues like a DARK rust brown color. UGH
  16. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    dark brown sounds like diatoms.
    do you have anything left in the tank? (living)
    IF NOT I'd be disinfecting it (It=tank/decor/filter parts-not media..toss media) after all the deaths with diluted plain clorox bleach and water...rinsing it VERY well with plain water...and then allowing everything to sit in plain water with a heavy dosing of dechlorinator such as Prime overnight. After that I'd do a final rinse and allow it to air dry.

    Then I'd re-set it back up...add tetra Safe Start according to the bottles directions and test it the next day or so to make sure it's reading "cycled" and in the safe range. To me with all the issues of fuzz, brown diatoms, multiple deaths, etc I think that way would be easier and get a "fresh" start on things.
    *Bombardment of questions if not planning to start over*

    Tank Size and can you provide a photo?

    What type of lighting do you have and how many wpg total over the tank?

    How long do you leave the lights on (and is it with a timer)?

    What are your water parameters (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, gh/kh)?

    Are you dosing the tank with ANYTHING at all? (dechlorinator, plant stuff, water clarifier)?

    What type of substrate do you have if any at all?

    What equipment are you running (filter type & media used>>heater wattage--temp tank fluctuates from>>any Uv Sterilizer--wattage if so>>Any aeration ..airstones/airpump)?

    Ps. Sorry if you posted it already
  17. crayondragon

    crayondragon Thread Starter New Member

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    I have 1 living guppy. As far as the other questions, I will have to answer them when I get home. I am going to see if I can get the fish store to take it and then start over.

    Also, my plants are living. the brown rust is on my plants as well. What should I do with those?
  18. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    as for the plants...I'd stick them in a bucket with a bit of substrate and of course covering them with water if you want to keep them>>place the bucket in a sunny spot to "hold" them until you get the tank and supplies cleaned.

    rust color? Can you take a photo of it when you get a chance (thinking diatoms)

    Brown Algae:
    often appears before tank is cycled and can disappear on own.
    to avoid it watch your nutrients (ie. feed sparsely, do routine water changes regularly, clean filters monthly, and replace media as warranted).

    IF this is a cycled tank (which you say isn't)...you could get a phospate test kit and do larger partials. if your phosphates are high you could get a product that is targeted to reduce them.
  19. crayondragon

    crayondragon Thread Starter New Member

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    I will take photos as soon as i get home. :)
  20. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Okie dokie :)