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Odd Parrot Behavior

Discussion in 'Cichlids' started by w00t_w00t, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. w00t_w00t

    w00t_w00t Thread Starter New Member

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    Parrots are odd fish anyway, but I bought a couple a couple of weeks ago (super great deal at Wal-Mart, couldn't pass it up)... And they've become acclimated to their tank.. I added a terra cotta flower pot two days ago and one has 'claimed' it... Thought I've been noticing something odd.

    I saw him this morning and thought he was dead. Well, he wasn't. He had huddled himself to the 'ceiling' of the pot, and was laying flat against it (dead fish pose basically). I removed the pot, but he was still alive so I put him in the tank again and he went right back to swimming around like normal. No signs or symptoms of any illness or disease. So, he went back to go and play.

    I come home from work - and he's doing it again. Only leaving to defend his precious pot from the other parrot (though they still school together when they're having adventures. There's no fighting.) So my main question, is if this is normal. Which apparently is a stupid question concerning Parrots according to my friend who works in a pet shop XD

    Maybe.. he's just high on pot?
  2. cooltow1

    cooltow1 Member

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    It's a little odd, but I could be his normal behavior. I have witnessed Cichlids do some very odd things.They take up residence were ever they feel safe be it inside or under the decorations.
