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Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by jrow8162, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Thread Starter Member

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    Anybody ever use Quinsulex? Colorless Quinine capsules for treating ich or other illnesses? Just bought some to treat my clown loaches. I will let you know how it goes...
  2. cooltow1

    cooltow1 Member

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    Quinine Sulfate is used for resistant strains of Ich (especially on scaleless fish). Protozoans. Also good for resistant strains of Hexamita when combined with Metronidazole.
    Treatment I have used is 1/4 teaspoon per 10 gallons of water. Treat one time and leave in the water for 5-7 days.
    For resistant Ich in a central system, treat once every three days with a 25% water change before each treatment. Do at least 3 treatments = 9 day period.

  3. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Thread Starter Member

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    I lost the fish I was trying to save. My larger Clown Loach. I have another one but its hidden under a rock in my tank so I cant see how its doing. None of my other fish are showing any signs of ich but I am gonna go ahead and do the full treatment just to be sure I get it all. I treated 2 days ago so I will do another 25% change today and then treat again. I have to go find some more of this stuff since I bought the last box at the store. I may have to go to the Vitamine Shoppe and buy it in powder form...