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Seachem Plant Dosing Chart

Discussion in 'Aquatic Plants & Planted Tanks' started by MOD_Dawn, May 14, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Seachem Planted Aquarium Dosing Chart
    It won't always be necessary to dose your aquarium with each of the products in the Flourish line, but as an example, we have developed one possible dosing regimen using all of our plant products. This is by no means the only way to dose your aquarium; it is merely a suggestion. Your dosing regimen will depend greatly on a variety of factors, including lighting, initial water quality, how heavily stocked your aquarium is, substrate selection, and types of plants; so don't be surprised if getting the results you want takes a little experimentation.

    Day 1
    [*]Flourish-->1 Cap per 60 US gallons (240 L)
    [*]Flourish Excel-->1 cap (5 mL) per 10 US gallons (40 L)
    [*]Flourish Iron-->1 cap (5 mL) per 50 US gallons (200 L)
    [*]Flourish Phosphorus-->1/2 cap per 40 US gallons (160 L)
    [*]Flourish Nitrogen-->1/2 cap per 40 US gallons (160 L)

    Day 2
    [*]Flourish Trace-->1 cap (5 mL) per 20 US gallons (80 L)
    [*]Flourish Excel-->1 cap (5 mL) per 10 US gallons (40 L)
    [*]Flourish Iron-->1 cap (5 mL) per 50 US gallons (200 L)

    Day 3
    [*]Flourish Potassium-->1 cap (5 mL) per 30 US gallons (120 L)
    [*]Flourish Excel-->1 cap (5 mL) per 10 US gallons (40 L)
    [*]Flourish Iron-->1 cap (5 mL) per 50 US gallons (200 L)

    Day 4
    [*]Flourish Trace-->1 cap (5 mL) per 20 US gallons (80 L)
    [*]Flourish Excel-->1 cap (5 mL) per 10 US gallons (40 L)
    [*]Flourish Iron-->1 cap (5 mL) per 50 US gallons (200 L)
    [*]Flourish Phosphorus-->1/2 cap per 40 US gallons (160 L)
    [*]Flourish Nitrogen-->1/2 cap per 40 US gallons (160 L)

    Day 5
    [*]Flourish Potassium-->1 cap (5 mL) per 30 US gallons (120 L)
    [*]Flourish Excel-->1 cap (5 mL) per 10 US gallons (40 L)
    [*]Flourish Iron-->1 cap (5 mL) per 50 US gallons (200 L)

    Day 6
    [*]Flourish-->1 Cap per 60 US gallons (240 L)
    [*]Flourish Excel-->1 cap (5 mL) per 10 US gallons (40 L)
    [*]Flourish Iron-->1 cap (5 mL) per 50 US gallons (200 L)

    Day 7
    [*]Prime-->Use 1 mL per 10 US gallons (40 L) to dechlorinate water
    [*]Alkaline Buffer-->Use as necessary to establish desired PH and KH
    [*]Acid Buffer-->Use with Alkaline Buffer as necessary to establish desired PH
    [*]Equilibrium-->Use as necessary to establish desired GH

    For easy referencing and printing you can go directly to Seachems Website and view this same chart:
  2. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Active Member

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    Good advice! Nice write-up! Should "Sticky" it
  3. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    I couldn't figure out how, I'll ask Anthony. Lol!
  4. James0816

    James0816 New Member

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    time for dry ferts with all the money spent on seachem. ;o)

    j/k gotta go with what works right?

    sry dawn...couldn't resist. gotta get you away from your day 7 chems as well.

    but yes...it is good chart for the plant dosing.
  5. GOT MTS?

    GOT MTS? Member

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    Agree good chart for those that use liquid ferts. For those that want to save some money go with dry ferts.
  6. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    I know I know, but I like the pre-measured just use the cap technique. I know it's heck of a lot more expensive...but being allergic to soo much stuff I'd be scared to use anything else being this is working for me so far.

    I'm buying in bulk at <a class="postlink" href="http://www.StrictlyPetSupplies.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">www.StrictlyPetSupplies.com</a> which is wayy cheaper than my lfs or Ebay.
  7. Left C

    Left C New Member

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    A few years back I wrote an Office 2003 Excel based dosing calculator that is based on the above Seachem chart. There is also a conversion using dry ferts in Post #4.

    Using – Mixing Dry Chemicals for Seachem’s Dosing

    Seachem’s products are a little expensive, but they are very good. I know some people would like to cut the cost some and use some of the dry fertilizers that are available.

    The following dosing solutions will be practically the same strength as Seachem's macronutrient products according to the online calculators. You then go by Seachem's recommended dosing amounts on the calculator.

    Dosing Solutions
    - Add 62.2 grams or 11⅛ tsp of KNO3 to 500 mL of distilled water for F. Nitrogen Substitute
    - Add 3.5 grams or ¾ tsp of KH2PO4 to 500 mL of distilled water for F. Phosphorus Substitute
    - Add 51.0 grams or 8½ tsp of K2SO4 to 500 mL of distilled water for F. Potassium Substitute*

    *(This amount approaches the maximum solubility of K2SO4 of 12 grams per 100 mL of distilled water. You will probably need to shake the container each time prior to dosing.)

    Online Calculators Used:
    <a class="postlink" href="http://www.fishfriend.com/fertfriend.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.fishfriend.com/fertfriend.html</a>

    IMO, you may omit F. Trace even though it is included in the calculator.

    I do not have a substitute for Flourish, F. Excel and F. Iron at this time.

    I hope this helps you. Let me know if it works well.

    I hope that it helps.