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Shrimp (Questions & Advice)

Discussion in 'Invertebrates' started by Leslie, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. Leslie

    Leslie Thread Starter New Member

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    questions about shrimp
    I was wondering if I got some different breeds of shrimp and keep them in the same tank would they cross breed?
  2. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: questions about shrimp

    No, I don't believe so.
  3. trajik ink

    trajik ink New Member

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    Re: questions about shrimp

    you can keep different ones but no they won't cross breed.
  4. Leslie

    Leslie Thread Starter New Member

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    Re: questions about shrimp

    wow!! I am so glade i asked. I wanted to try out some shrimp in a tank but i didnt want to have the green ones breeding with the yellow ones or something like that. do you think the frog will eat them?
  5. noshow discus

    noshow discus New Member

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    Re: questions about shrimp

    no i dont believe the frog will eat them but if you have anykind of tetra in there when the shrimp molt the tetras will probally nip at them hard and possibally kill
    Sal Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:32 pm Actually the frog will eat every one. Those African frogs be it dwarf or not are eating machines .

    Tetras may or may not nip them even after shed it depends on tetra type. The small tetras like cardinals and similiar will ignore them completely.

    The bigger tetra type may not but if you have plants and/or hiding areas for the shrimps they should be fine.

    James0816 Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:07 am Ok....gotta call another time out here.

    Shrimp species can and will crossbreed if they are the same species. Example if you house two different species of Neocaridina like the Red Cherries and Yellow. Or Caridinas such as the Tiger and Dark Green (my fav).

    However, you can house one of each species in the same tank like the Neocaridina sp. Yellow and the Caridina sp. Dark Green without crossbreeding.

    Ghosties you can house with any of them as they are a different species to themselves.

    As for the frogs, the ACF (African Clawed Frog) is a little aggressive bugger and will prey on shrimpies and other small fish. The ADF (African Dwarf Frog) is the peacefull guy and will do just fine in a community environment. You will have to target feed them as their eyesight is poor.

    Hope this helps.

    greg Curtis Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:09 am Take a look at this shrimp compatibility chart:

    James0816 Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:33 am Good info.

    I used a different site when I first got into the invert world. Contains a boat load of info on almost all the different shimps in the trade as well as crayfish and snails.

    I'll check with Anthony prior to posting a link just to make sure it would be good to do so since there is also a forum on that site.
  6. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    Can Ghost shrimps live comfortably at 72 to 74 degrees ?

    Can Ghost shrimps live comfortably at 72 to 74 degrees ?
    Can Ghost shrimps (type sold as feeders) live comfortably at 72 to 74 degrees and can they be kept with white cloud mt minnows?

    Its for a 55 gallon non heated white cloud tank which has American val plants.

    Thank you
  7. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: Can Ghost shrimps live comfortably at 72 to 74 degrees ?

    Yep, both will be fine (temp and fellow tank males).
  8. James0816

    James0816 New Member

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    Re: Can Ghost shrimps live comfortably at 72 to 74 degrees ?

    absolutely. mine stay in a 20long at 74F.
  9. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: Can Ghost shrimps live comfortably at 72 to 74 degrees ?

    yup, even heard of them surviving in lower temps than the above! Hardy lil suckers they are!
  10. stevenrox

    stevenrox New Member

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    Re: Can Ghost srimps live comfortably at 72 to 74 degrees ?

    mines all gotten eaten never got the chance to find out :) :) :)
  11. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: Can Ghost shrimps live comfortably at 72 to 74 degrees ?

    lol, yep..that can/will definitely happen when you have other inhabitants in there.
    Use a sponge/panty hose for a pre-filter ...unless you like finding them in your filtration system. Lol!
    The rena claimed quite a few prior to pre-filtering.
  12. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Active Member

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    Re: Can Ghost srimps live comfortably at 72 to 74 degrees ?

    I will add yes they will too... ALL shrimp I read about are quite OK in those conditions... remember though they are only less than 1" when you get them from a pet store... easily food for fish big enough to fit them in their mouths.
  13. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    Re: Can Ghost shrimps live comfortably at 72 to 74 degrees ?

    Thanks for info everyone. I am heading to pet store now to get some. Its for white cloud minnow planted tank which stays 72 to 74 yr round.

    The intake on the canister filter is a sponge filter so they wont be sucked up .
  14. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: Can Ghost shrimps live comfortably at 72 to 74 degrees ?

    Ghost shrimp can definitely live comfortably at the lower temperatures although it's always best to keep your aquarium at the recommended temperature.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Can i have shrimp in my tank.

    Can i have shrimp in my tank.

    Hey, i have 2 bleeding heart tetras and 1 red minor tetra, and was looking into get a couple Endlers(off a local breeder) and some Red cherry shrimp. Would the tetras eat the endlers/shrimp.

    Thank you.
  16. James0816

    James0816 New Member

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    Re: Can i have shrimp in my tank.

    Yes, you can house shrimp in this current arrangement.

    Threw me off for a bit with the red minor tetra. Haven't heard of them before and had consult my knowledge base. More commonly known as the Serpae Tetra.

    I don't know what your tank size is, but the tetra's are schoolers and should be at least (4) in a group. Just an FYI fer ya. ;)
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Can i have shrimp in my tank.

    wait sarpae tetra, if you have one I would make sure it is not an aggressive one and that it is always well feed at all times.

    I had one and it keep picking off my shrimp before I knew it was him. sadlly that wasn't until I spent 2x the amount of money on shrimps as I paid for it. note these were ghost shrimp that cost about 10-20 cents.
  18. James0816

    James0816 New Member

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    Re: Can i have shrimp in my tank.

    I've heard stories of aggression from these guys from time to time and it usually resulted in the owner only having one or two.

    Until I had a tank crash I housed (6) Serpaes, (6) Harley's, (6) Cardinals and a boat load of ghosties. I've never seen any of the fish show a real interest in the shrimp. Ocassionally I would see a stare down when one of the shrimp would swim around but that was it.

    If you provide plenty of plants (which the Serpaes also like), I do not foresee an issue. But definately need to give him some mates so he can occupy himself with others. You can draw a very similiar behavoir line to them and the danios. When kept in small numbers, they can be a nuisance to other tank mates. Keep em in a school of at least (4), they will mainly focus on themselves.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Can i have shrimp in my tank.

    Cool thank you everyone =).
    When i bought them i actually asked for 3 bleeding heart tetras (they were my first fish) and i later realized that one was red(the serpae).
    This is for a 20 gallon by the way.

    Thank you.
  20. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: Can i have shrimp in my tank.

    I Also have the Red Serpae (hi-fin varation)..gorgeous fish!

    I also have guppies with them...and NO they don't eat anyone other than the occassional chase of a shrimp that comes into sight.

    Now onto the Shrimp...Shrimp are delicate species as in just about anything can torture/pick them off.

    I have them (cherries) in my community tank, but I will defin. admit I have lost a good bit also!

    If you are to have them I would suggest heavy planting/ample hiding AND of course a Pre-filter of some sort (lord knows how many became victim to the xp4 before the Filter-Max 3)

    Ghost Shrimp (Compatibility & Requirements Question)

    Fish Stocking/Compatibility (Information,Questions,Suggestions)