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The Orange spotted Sunfish

Discussion in 'Aquarium Equipment & Decor' started by JIM, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. JIM

    JIM Thread Starter New Member

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    The orangespotted sunfish is a small fish hardley ever caught on hook and line. They have a medium sized mouth that extends to the front edge of the eye but not much beyond that point. They have short rounded pectoral fins and a black ear flap ,outlined in white. The male has orange dorsal, anal and pelvic fins and the anal and pelvics are usually outlined in black. The sides of the male are a metallic blue with orange spots scattered across the sides and cheeks. They also often have 3-6 silvery vertical bars usually with a purple sheen on their sides. Males have a orange belly and red-orange eyes. Female orangespotted sunfish are much duller colored. Their belly and pelvic fins are white or cream colored. The rear edge of the soft part of the dorsal fin usually has a few small dark spots. The rest of the dorsal and all other fins are clear. The sides are silvery often with a purple sheen. Instead of orange spots they have rusty brown spots scattered across the sides and cheeks.
    The distribution of this fish species is mainly in the Tennessee River System and the Black Belt district of the mobile basin. The orange spotted sunfish prefers habitats with a silt and sandy subtrates. In the wild it inhabits streams and rivers.
    . The orangespotted sunfish has a preference for turbid (muddy) water and are most abundant in large muddy rivers and reservoirs. Streams and rivers that contain orangespotted sunfish populations typically are very slow moving systems.
    Like most species of sunfish male orangespotted sunfish build a nest in shallow water. Spawning takes place from early June to early August and the male guards the eggs and young till they become free swimming and leave the nest. Orangespotted sunfish often mature in just one year.
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Omg, please make your posts easier on the eyes and less "jumbled"..Thanks!
  3. JIM

    JIM Thread Starter New Member

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    no problem :) just for you, i will take them to a different forum. surely there is one out there that appreciates quality information and is not so concerned with pleasing one individual Mods whims. see ya Super Mod LOL :) That is a good example of how you lose qualified members.
  4. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Oh yippy! It's a simple thing...save the large jumbled font and make it readable.
    I'm sure the other forum will "appreciate" it though and I'm pretty sure a qualified member would know how to use a "search" too.

    Hmmm...whims, Seems like with these so-called whims this forum is running pretty smoothly?

    Oh...and Ps. We have numerous awesome people on here with lots of experience to share and are ever so kind and friendly! I'm pretty sure we'll make due without you.

    Jim has now been banned.