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Think My Fish Broke Its Spine

Discussion in 'Cichlids' started by smcpherson25, Apr 15, 2011.

  1. smcpherson25

    smcpherson25 Thread Starter New Member

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    Suffered a loss of my favorite fish today. My male grammodes i believe broke its spine/wacked its head on something in the tank. He was in a 125gallon with a 8-9" Aequidens gold saum, 6-7" Amphilophus xiloaensis and a 6-7" Parachromis friedrichsthalii. They are all aggressive and did quarrel with each other occasionally so i believe what happened was the grammodes smacked into something breaking his back or hitting his head hard enough to cause perminant damage. The reason i believe this is because the grammodes is torpedo shapped and would often shoot accross the tank very fast and i think he accidently ran into the side of the tank or wood thats in my tank. All the water peramiters are fine, none of the other fish are acting oddly, and he infact was fine up until the time that it happened (eating, swimming around, no color loss, ect). Then out of nowhere he was upside down, face into the gravel, tail in the air, back looked bent and he was barley breathing. I gave him some time hoping he had just dazed himself or something, but after 15mins i could tell he was not going to recover and i could not have him suffer any more.

    Has anyone else ever had something like this or heard of anything like this happening before?
  2. buzz4520

    buzz4520 Well-Known Member

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    sorry about your fish !!! [icon_e_sad.gif] [icon_e_sad.gif]
    my tiger oscar got spooked one time and shot across the tank hitting the center piece then crashed into the end of the tank, dove straight down in the gravel, shot straight up and crashed into the lid. it knocked him senseless for awhile, got a couple deep scrapes on his nose and forhead. he didn't move around much for a few days and i thought he had really got messed up. this happened about 6 months ago and all is well now.