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why snails will take over the world.

Discussion in 'Invertebrates' started by kwheeler91, Aug 16, 2009.

  1. kwheeler91

    kwheeler91 Thread Starter New Member

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    no matte how hard i tried, i ended up with pond snails and a couple o ramshorns in my 55. i want to plant it but i really dont want those snails in there. ive smashed about 10 snails a day and its getting worse. does anyone know of an effective chemical treatment to kill snails? i want to try something before i stock it to the brim with plants and fish. i have another tank the fish can go in in the mean time so im not worried about the deadliness of it. i need something that kills eggs too. ive heard the had-a-snail stuff doesnt work or doesnt kill anything but babies. i know copper is deadly to inverts so is there a strong copper product out their i can hit the tank with?
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    clown loaches will eat them, product wise I stay away from copper ones (I have shrimp).
  3. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Active Member

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    Some fish are sensitive to copper... especially in high doses... I dont mess with copper myself unless I absolutely have to.... and I have yet to have a time like that :)
  4. kwheeler91

    kwheeler91 Thread Starter New Member

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    well... i have a school of clowns but they arent in that tank and i dont want them in there because i will only have to remove them and that will cause a lot of stress to them. im not worried about copper sensitivity because i am going to remove the fish that are in there and put them in with my clowns. i really dont want the pond snails. i am only going to put trapdoors and maybe mts so i can control the population without having to worry about an outbreak and the pond snails are an ugly little pest that i hate with a passion and the ramshorns i hear can carry fluke and stuff. so there are no fish to worry about, and i need to know if the copper will kill them all. i can leave it in there as long as it needs to be in there ( for the adults and eggs that are already laid), all i wanna know is if it will work.
  5. buzz4520

    buzz4520 Well-Known Member

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    if you are going to remove the fish and there's no plants in the tank, then why not tear down the tank completely? any chemical you put in the tank to kill off the snails is most likely to kill the benifical bacteria in your filters any way and you'll have to recycle the tank anyway. if you do use chems to kill them and you don't get them all out, they will rot in the tank and throw the water parameters out of wack. if it were me (and it's not) and it's that bad then the best solution maybe a complete teardown. just my opinion.
  6. kwheeler91

    kwheeler91 Thread Starter New Member

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    im going to use coppersafe from mardel and its supposed to not kill the beneficial bacteria. and if i were to tear it down it would be a certain thing that the bacteria would die and not just a maybe, plus its a whole lot of work that i want to avoid if can and possibly save the bio filter. so i figure give the coppersafe a few weeks to work and it will kill all the current snails and ones that will hatch with a chance it wont damage my biofilter for any other reason than the fact it isnt getting much supply for ammonia nitrite.
  7. buzz4520

    buzz4520 Well-Known Member

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    i know what you mean about tearing down the tank...can be a real pain. atleast your able to put the fish in another tank while dealing with the snails.
  8. kwheeler91

    kwheeler91 Thread Starter New Member

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    that is if i can catch the little boogers. the inle danios are the fastest fish ive ever seen and they aint goin quietly :)
  9. buzz4520

    buzz4520 Well-Known Member

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    LMAO !!! when we moved back in june and had to tear down the tanks, did we ever have fun catching the fish. drain out as much of the water as you can and then try to net the little buggers.
  10. kwheeler91

    kwheeler91 Thread Starter New Member

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    yeah thats what im going to do. just gotta wait a couple days cuz i just did a wc last night. im almost tempted to just put the coppersafe in there, i mean it is a fish medication, but i dont want to treat something that isnt wrong. ill probably have to spend the next couple days tring to get all those fish, dont think i have the patients to catch um all in a sitting. i might be moving soon too so ill get some practice :)