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Loach 75g clown loach vivarium?

Discussion in 'Loaches, Eels, Bichir' started by B Haley, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. B Haley

    B Haley Thread Starter New Member

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    You all know I am setting up my 75g for my clown loaches and the biggest one I have is 4in. I know they grow slowly after reaching that length so my question is.... would it be feasable to create a sort of vivarium type of tank?
    I know that the clowns are from fast moving streams but I cannot find any info on just how deep these streams are, so my thought is to give them plenty of fresh moderatly moving water about 12in deep and have plants that grow on some sort of a land mass and underneath this mass could be the hiding places for the clowns.... something akin to mangrove roots?
    Am I nuts for even thinking about this?

    These clowns would not be in this forever, I want them to grow so my 5 yr plans is to get a 200g tank for their final home.....Thoughts anyone?
  2. stevenrox

    stevenrox New Member

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    Re: This may be a silly question but.....

    mine cl's do fine just about in any condition bare bottom gravel and they un root some of my plants though
  3. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Member

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    Just fill the tank up and give them something to burrow under. I have one that is pushing 5 1/2 to 6 inches and it digs under my gravel to get inside of my fake rock. Sucks he doesnt stay out all the time but definitely knows when its feeding time. My clown loaches are definitely my favorite fish! Just give them clean water and they stay pretty happy...
  4. stevenrox

    stevenrox New Member

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    also bump up the temp cuz if they get ick it is a pain to get rid of....
  5. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Member

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    Agreed! I keep mine no less than 82 degrees. And if they do get ich only treat with heat. Keeping the temp up is the best way to prevent it because they are very succeptible.
  6. B Haley

    B Haley Thread Starter New Member

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    Thanks all!! My thought is to have to temp around 84, I think I am going to mix eco-complete with sand to give the bottom a more realistic look, the tank wont be heavily planted on the bottom because I really cant see many plants growing with a current. I am really hoping that this tank will be my show piece. I should probably start a thread that shows all the steps I took to complete it.
    But then again I still have to post pics of the stand I built.... actuallly the stand itself is very solid... got the frame down well.... it is just the facing that didnt turn out as well as I expected.... and that is the part that everyone sees.
  7. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Member

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    Cant wait to see the pics! Clown Loaches are really fun fish!