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A List of Meds to Keep Handy (Aquatic First Aid Kit)

Discussion in 'Fish Diseases & Cures' started by noshow discus, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. noshow discus

    noshow discus Thread Starter New Member

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    what meds do you keep on hand?
  2. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: Meds

    Epsom Salts, and Pima/Melafix.
  3. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Active Member

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    A List of Meds You Should ALWAYS Have on Hand

    For every person keeping fish it is inevitable that day will come that someone in your tank gets sick. The best treatment is FAST and ACCURATE diagnosis and treatment.

    As petstores close early and open late, Wal-Mart does not sell all of these, you need to have them on hand. (STRONGLY SUGGESTED)

    Here my list of meds I always keep, I may be missing a few others my keep but here is what I have and what its used for:

    Medications to Keep:
    Proper Name - Common Name (Sold As) | Use
    Metronidozole - General Cure/Metro/Flagyl | Treats Heximita(white stringy poop)/HITH
    Malachite Green/Formalin mixture - QuICK Cure | Treats many external parasites (ICH, Velvet)
    Salt - Salt (non Iodized, Aquarium) | Great general treatment, decreases stress in fish letting the fish's immune system do its thing
    Copper - Copper Safe | Last resort for ICH, Velvet and a few other things. Be sure to buy a Copper Test Kit when using
    Natural Extracts - Fu-Ba Fix, PimaFix, MelaFix | Generic meds that work much like salt but also treat the illness a bit
    Methylene Blue - Methylene Blue | Anti-Fungal Treatment (lightweight treatment)
    Maracyn - Maracyn | Potent Anti-Fungal/Anti-Biotic

    This is by no means a full list of meds but having at least most of what is on this list will ensure FAST treatment to any illness. Of course I am not stating on here usage and diagnosis, just get most or all of these products and keep them under your tank just in case.
  4. caronsd

    caronsd New Member

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    Re: A List of Meds You Should ALWAYS Have on Hand

    I try to stay away from Meds at all costs, only problem I've had was milt fungas and it cleared up, other than that the only fish I've had die so far were the disease infested, stressed to the limit Petco fish :( . But GREAT list man, way to help everyone out! Thats like 3 or 4 things I've seen in the last 2 days that you've done like this and I know I'm missing some because I haven't been here. So this is a bump for you lol
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: A List of Meds You Should ALWAYS Have on Hand

    I agree with caronsd!
  6. fordfreak67

    fordfreak67 New Member

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    Re: A List of Meds You Should ALWAYS Have on Hand

    I have a question about the first medications on the list and what it cures(white stringy poop), I noticed that my opaline gouramis have that some times,What can cause this,I throught it might be the food.
  7. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Active Member

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    Re: A List of Meds You Should ALWAYS Have on Hand

    White stringy poop usually is Internal Heximita (same thing that causes Hole in the Head, just internal instead of external)

    It may be the food.... it may be Heximita.... you have to have other signs of distress in the fish. Discus for instance, with the white stringy poop comes a hunger strike (they quite eating), go dark, and hide.
  8. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: A List of Meds You Should ALWAYS Have on Hand

    White Stringy Poop is also a sign of bloat.
  9. fordfreak67

    fordfreak67 New Member

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    Re: A List of Meds You Should ALWAYS Have on Hand

    They seem fine, no problem with eating ,it just happens once in awhile, Thanks for the help
  10. 888starzPr

    888starzPr Member

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    Используйте актуальный <a href="https://888starz.today/">888 starz промокод при регистрации</a> для бонусов.<br>