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African Banded Barb-Barbus fasciolatus

Discussion in 'Fish Profiles' started by MOD_Dawn, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Also:Blue-barred barb-Barbus barilioides

    Family:Carp and minnows, Cyprinidae
    Characteristics:2 in, female plumper
    Tank/Water:25g, water types 2-5, 72-79F.
    Care:Keep as a school in dark tanks, densely planted in spots with low water movement. A soft substrate in parts allows barbs to dig without injuring their sensitive whiskers.
    Habits:Schooling fish from shady streams of the savannah region of southern Africa (Zambia, Angola).
    Compatibility:With small to medium-sized African fish, such as an upside-down catfish, butterflyfish, or elephant nose.
    Barbus fasciolatus.jpg