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African Butterflyfish-Pantodon buccholzi

Discussion in 'Fish Profiles' started by MOD_Dawn, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Family: Butterflyfish, Pantodontidae
    Characteristics: 5 in, male has concave anal fin.
    Tank/Water: 37.5g, water types 2-5, 81-86F
    Care:Singly or in groups in aquariums with at least 4" between the water surface and the tank cover. Water leavel at least 4 in. Feed insects (house crickets, flies, etc.), small fish, and black mosquito larvae. Dry food is rejected or reluctantly accepted. Some floating plants.
    Habits:Surface fish indigenous to slow-running streams in West and Central African rain forests and swamps.
    Compatibility:With Central African species of the lower tank regions, such as naked catfish.
    Pantodon buccholzi.jpg