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african dwarf frogs

Discussion in 'Invertebrates' started by steves_kiki, Jun 30, 2010.

  1. steves_kiki

    steves_kiki Thread Starter New Member

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    Ok, so I saw an ad on craigslist for 2 free fish(a black tetra- which turned out to be a harlequin tetra and an albino catfish- albino cory cat) and 2 free frogs(african dwarf frogs). I wasn't surprised since african clawed frogs are illegal in the state of va. But I was pleased to get them! 1 is super fat and almost pregnant looking while the other is much thinner. They came with frozen blood worms and eat like champs! Right now I have them in their own 1 gallon tank just to make sure they are healthy. I think I'm going to change out the aquarium pebbles for some extra left over sand I have in my reptile room. They are super fun to watch... and I have the 1 gallon next to the 55 gallon so when the frogs don't move, I watch the busy tank :)

  2. steves_kiki

    steves_kiki Thread Starter New Member

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    Yes, I plan on moving them into a different tank. But they are breeding and laying eggs like crazy in the 1 gallon!