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African Freshwater Pipefish-Enneacampus ansorgii

Discussion in 'Fish Profiles' started by MOD_Dawn, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Family:Pipefish, Syngnathidae
    Characteristics:5.5 in, male more colorful with ridge-shaped abdominal brooding pouch.
    Tank/Water:12.5g, water type 5-7, 76-83F.
    Care:Keep in larger groups in aquariums with dense vegetation in parts. Feed only live food animals (Artemia, Cyclops, white mosquito larvae).
    Habits:Native to clear streams, with lots of plants or hiding palces, in the coastal region of Central and West Africa. Eats insect larvae and other small animals.
    Compatibility:Under no circumstances keep with other fish, because they would get too little food.
    Enneacampus ansorgii.jpg