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Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by LemonDiscus, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Thread Starter Active Member

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    Product info from their website:
    Algone® in Your Aquarium
    For Crystal Clear and Balanced Aquariums

    A Patented Maintenance Solution

    For freshwater, saltwater, reef, and planted aquariums

    Use Algone® to correct nutrient imbalances and to clear cloudy water. Maintaining an established tank with Algone helps prevent many frustrating problems related to bad water quality. Algone helps keep the aquarium crystal clear.

    Clarifies Water
    Active compounds clarify dissolved organic and inorganic pollutants, toxins and odor.

    Removes Nitrates
    Nitrogen fixating microorganisms incorporate nitrogen into the cellular mass, while bioactive enzymes assimilate nitrogen from the water column.
    Purifies Water
    Enzymes break down protein, carbohydrates and metabolic waste into insoluble complex structures.
    Reef and Plant Safe
    Trace elements are protected from early precipitation increasing the bio availability for plants, corals, and other organisms.
    Natural Balance
    Algone does not contain chemicals and is safe to use in all aquatic environments.
    Fits Every Filter System
    Placement in any type of filter system is no problem. Other important media (i.E. activated charcoal) does not need to be removed from your filter.
    Trouble Free Bi-Monthly Treatment
    Use in convenient bi-monthly treatment cycles. No tedious dosing is required.

    My Experience:
    I have used this for ALMOST 1 month now and YES it seems to be working GREAT! I used it to remove nutrients that Algae THRIVES on.

    This WONT kill the algae BUT after removing the algae it will slow and ALMOST stop the growth of algae in the tank! I have noticed a huge difference in the past month of using it... I have been changing my water almost daily and sometimes daily in 50% amounts and that may account to some of the stunting of the algae growth but I believe some of the result is attributed to Algone.

    Its a packet you put in your filter either monthly or bi-monthly. It removed Phosphates, nitrates and other Macro/Micro nutrients that algae needs to grow. It does not seem to affect my plants as most of them are rooted plants with fert tabs in the substrate.

    It took a few weeks after starting to notice a difference but in the past 2 weeks I have noticed a dramatic decrease in algae growth including that annoying Black Beard Algae I have been fighting and loosing against. Again, this does not kill the algae but simply removes what the algae needs to grow like weeds giving the plants the ability to actually compete against the algae.

    I am even going longer now as far as needing to wipe the algae off of the inside of the glass... I used to do it every 2-3 days and just cleaned the glass for the first time in a week and a half yesterday... I did not think about how well this is working until today when I though about how long it has been since I cleaned algae in my tank... It has given me more time to change water, feed and do other "enjoyable" :) aspects of aquarium keeping!

    I like it so far and would recommend it to others as well whether you keep a planted aquarium or not!
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    I spoke of this product when I had the green spot algae and Nitrates issue...Used it and didn't do squat.

    Link to where Algone was discussed

  3. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Thread Starter Active Member

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    I dont have green spot but it did help with the BBA! Also DRASTICALLY slowed the BGA....

    Again... you HAVE to get the algae out of the tank as much as you can BEFORE using it... it slowed the growth

    Did you notice any difference in Nitrates? I have not checked that in a while in my tank?
  4. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    nope, I ended up going with seachem de*nitrate...now that stuff worked!

    Glad to hear it's working for your other issues though :)
  5. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Thread Starter Active Member

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    Yeah I am not sure 100% if its this stuff, the 50% WC almost daily and sometimes daily or a combo of the 2.....
  6. cooltow1

    cooltow1 Member

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    Snake oil, IMHO
    Why.......why do we feel so dependent on chemicals to remove our problems?
    Algae destroyers, wonder products to clear our water, magic cure-all medicines from exotic rain forest trees, all sorts of junk we add to tanks to make a pharmaceutical soup and we wonder why our fish don't shine like the ones in the photos, or why we can't keep inverts alive? Too much ammonia, or nitrite? Scale back your feedings to 1X every other day and a 20% to 90% water changes every other day, and make sure your filter is running on high and leave the old filter cartridge in there.
    Don't overload tanks with fish, and don't have 1 of everything some species likes to school.Less different species, more of the same species and they all will benefit.
    Increase your water circulation. Make sure O2 rich clean water is reaching many parts of your tank and you fish will respond positively.
    Feed a varied diet. Get some live brine shrimp every once in a while, or live black worms. Grossed out or can't use all the food and fear its going to waste? Get some frozen food. Add that once in a while instead of flakes or pellets. Many species are omnivores, so add some leafy greens, or a piece of zucchini weekly.Quarantine your new fish.
    If you have to treat your fish, move them to a hospital tank.
    Ive not had a sick fish in years. Literally. Once they enter my tanks, they live long into old age. Brilliant color, spawning behavior, other natural behaviors come out, they thrive. Why? Because I do those things I mentioned above. I run adequate filtration on my tanks, Thats it. I don't add anything but water Anything I purchase or trade for is subject to a 4 week "healthy stay" in QT. If I treat them for anything that may arise during QT, the 4 week "healthy stay" starts all over again from the 1st day they show no signs of any further illness or injury. Its my "little secret" to having beautiful healthy tanks

  7. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Thread Starter Active Member

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    I have 10x filtration on my tank.... I change water 3-4 times a week 50%.... I HAVE to feed several times a day unlike goldfish... When I do feed I feed the MOST varied diet you can imagine (brine shrimp, blackworms, bloodworms other assorted "passed away food" and pellets)

    That has NOTHING to do with algae.... the feeding amounts DO affect that some but EVERYTHING else falls into par...

    I kind of get offended with the offhand "I must not be doing the simple stuff right" remark... I have been... thats not the issue... SOMETIMES a "miracle" cure IS right.

    BTW this product is natural and NOT a drug... its like peat moss and just does its thing without affecting other parts of the tank.
  8. cooltow1

    cooltow1 Member

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    Never intended to come across as critical of your husbandry. I just think for the most part we are way to quick to look for a cure in a bottle. I 'm not a big fan of adding anything to the water. I guess I my be kind of old school in that aspect. Do I see algae? Sure at times. Algae is not always a bad thing'

  9. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Thread Starter Active Member

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    Agreed 100% with not adding anything right away... I am very cautious to even treat with meds as chemicals stress the fish, sometimes more than the original "problem"

    I dont mind algae to a degree but it was growing on my plants... that I cannot tolerate because its was smothering the nutrients the plant needed.

    Algae on driftwood... ok.... on the glass expected... on the substrate... irritating but still ok... on the plants... NO!

    That has been my main irritation is BBA growing on the leaves of my plants (it KILLED ALL of my microswords and has really hurt my chain sword population as just a little BBA can completely remove a leaf from photosynthesizing.)