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American Soles-Achiridae

Discussion in 'Fish Profiles' started by MOD_Dawn, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Along with soles (Solea solea), the American sole family belongs to the flatifsh group, most species of which occurs in the oceans worldwide and in brackish water.
    There are only a few freshwater fish, which are rarely encountered in the aquarium hobby.

    Well Camouflaged

    Most dwarf soles are little predators that hunt insect larvae or young fish.
    Like all other flatfish, over the course of their evolution they turned "on their side."
    One side of the body is pale and eyeless, while the other has two eyes.
    American sole live near sand or mud bottoms and are extremely well disguised.
    They do not provide parental care.

    Note> Dwarf soles, or hogchokers, require a sandy substrate
    Achiridae-.jpg Achiridae.jpg