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Angelfish Angel advice solicited

Discussion in 'New World Cichlids' started by heatherine, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. heatherine

    heatherine Thread Starter Member

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    I have two angels in my 25 gallon tall tank, they’re about half grown (about silver dollar sized not including fins). One is regular (silver/black) the other is marbled. They’ve gotten along great until the other day, I noticed them liplocked until the marbled one “gave in” and lay on its side. The marbled is the smaller of the two. However, “marble” has seemingly gotten the upper hand because “silver” hides often and when it first comes out of hiding, “marble” will harass it for a few minutes until it hides again. Most of the time they swim side by side and they eat together without squabbling. This isn’t constant and my question is this, will they eventually hammer it out and reach an agreement, or should I separate the two?
  2. FishVixen

    FishVixen Active Member

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    25 isn't big enough. Probably 2 males fighting for space as they grow they may cause some damage so yes separate or move to at least a 40 gal. For the time being put in tall plants so they can get away from one another.
  3. WhiteGloveAquatics

    WhiteGloveAquatics New Member

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    get me some pics of their faces/heads and I can give you a more then likely sexing.
    Also lip locking is a form of courtship, if one lays down or backs off it is being submissive. this is a mating courtship and is 100% normal behavior.
    a 29g tank is good for two adult angels and maybe a few corydoras. I would upgrade to atleast a 30g tank sometime soon so they can continue to grow and not be stunted(unless this is a tall tank then fin growth should be very nice)

    If it was two males only in that tank and no females they would do this as well to establish dominance. Its all very normal however if the submissive one is ducking and dodging the dominant one then you need to relenquish one or get a 55g tank.
  4. heatherine

    heatherine Thread Starter Member

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    I'll try to get good pics...it's hard to get a profile, because when they see me, they face me, so all you can see is this skinny line. :) For the most part they get along. The 25 is a tall, so up til now it's been a great tank for them. If their squabbling increases I'll separate them. They've been getting along fairly well for the most part. Not sure if it's courting because they also dart at each others side in a snitty kind of way.
  5. WhiteGloveAquatics

    WhiteGloveAquatics New Member

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    that happens in courtship as well. Basically they beat the snot out of eachother for proof that they are worthy mates.

    even a front pic is fine or just off center, I got a panda koi female and a smokey male going at it right now next to me.
  6. heatherine

    heatherine Thread Starter Member

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    Good news, they've settled their differences and I never see them squabble anymore.