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Angelfish value

Discussion in 'Cichlids' started by LemonDiscus, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I would still deny you.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    not to change the thread here first go to tropical fish distributors and they have the site set up so you can see what the fish are priced wholesale what the petshops pay for them. I use that to price mine. it should give you a size and price. also don't think that it says 3.00 for fish the petshop will give you 3 dollars, but you have a good idea what they are paying and you can say no if they offer you a dollar.my friend has been getting 1.75 from his petshops because of the 3 dollar value on the fish they can't sell them for 6 or 9 bucks depending on the mark up.

    also with the discus I breed them years ago pretty cool site. problem your going to have is getting rid of the fry at such a high price. good ones do go for 70+ plus and no one in the usa sells discus that high unless they are from overseas. sorry, for the bad news but it the truth. most people in the usa sell dish on the average for 25 bucks each for a 2 inch fish. now what you need to do is put an ad in the paper and sell them for that price. when sales go do then drop the price to 10 bucks. my first spawn had 180 fry i sold them all but it took 4 months to do it. I got 10bucks each for the first 3 months and 5 for the last 50 because no one wanted them and they were costing me a fortune to feed..