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Angelfish with fry

Discussion in 'Freshwater Aquariums & Fish Photos' started by LemonDiscus, Feb 5, 2010.

  1. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Thread Starter Active Member

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    Angelfish with fry
    IMG_0834.jpg IMG_0837.jpg IMG_0839%20copy.JPG
  2. AngelFishBreeder

    AngelFishBreeder New Member

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    can u show me the whole setup pls? :)
  3. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Thread Starter Active Member

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    I actually dont have this anymore... I can explain the setup I used...

    There were 2 tanks in my setup for this one pair and their fry... 1 30 gallon and 1 55 gallon... once the parents wanted to spawn again I would move them to the other tank...

    Both tanks were bare-bottom with a heater and a HOB filter (this was shut down when the fry were in the tank) and I moved a fake Amazon Sword from tank to tank as that is what the parents spawned on...
  4. AngelFishBreeder

    AngelFishBreeder New Member

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    sounds exactly like mine lol
    i currently have 3 pairs 2 have eggs atm :/ hopefully we will get some results :) x
  5. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Thread Starter Active Member

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    Mine breed like rabbits but I dont have them anymore... I am a discus only setup now...
  6. AngelFishBreeder

    AngelFishBreeder New Member

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    im thinking about turning my 100G into a south american all cichlid tank angels discus n shit maybe firemouths convicts, idk tho my angels r tough as hell they eat guppies :(
  7. WhiteGloveAquatics

    WhiteGloveAquatics New Member

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    thats funny, mine quit spawning once the amazon sword was removed, I might have to get another one today. they laid eggs like crazy then I switched them to a larger tank and only once(came back from my fall hunting trip in novemeber first week of, and never had eggs in this tank, I went to my basement family room and checked on them,no bs within minutes they were spawning on the glass, unsure why and hasnt happened since maybe excitement cause I feed em the good stuff but its odd to me) have they spawned in there.

    they spawned in a community tank and always have, I think I am going to get a new 40 tall for them to breed in, bare bottom with a bunch of potted swords.

    so far they have used a i40 tetra intank and the sword and glass, never the slate, want nothing to do with the slate... I used to get my spawns when the water was 74 degrees coming into the tank while tank temp was 79, this 5 degree difference usually sets almost all the fish off, the angels havnt in a while, the corydoras are spawning at every two week WC. multiple subs, emerals,greens,peppered,spotted,and pygmy's.

    any insight?

    also they have spawned a total of 6 times, each time she laid, he did his thing and then they guarded them for about 10 hours, they end up eating the eggs.
    Is this because they are in a community tank?
    tank mates include
    corydoras less pygmys listed above
    5 angels, 2 adult, 3 juves
    tiger barbs(do not come anywhere near the angels out of sheer fear for Ike and Tina)
    zebra danios
    black neons
    red eye
    black "kuhli" loaches
    SAE x 2
    tons of MTS
    recently 2 assassins, tonight 10 more.
    I understand the odds of a successful spawn is slim to none in a populated tank, but when they were in by themselves they beat the living snot out of eachother, with other species in there they only bicker like an old married couple. also the juves are not theirs, they seem to have adopted them or atleast are raising them, they do punish them and its the shaking and charging with no real contact and are teaching them how to hunt(toss my gup culls in there tank but grew the angels from literally half dime size to now half dollar in the guppy tank letting them have full access to live fry at all times because I was working holiday retail hours, it worked great but the adults are really teaching them to hone their skills.

    if anything my adults use the tiger barbs as their targets. I am trying to rid of everything but the "kuhli's", cories and angels and rnp maybe keep only 1 sae in there but for now its what I got to work with.

    sorry for the take over but two breeders in one thread talking about their own fish isnt something ive had the luxury of seeing and hoping they can chime back with advice or their own experiences. usually the PM's go unanswered as well as the posts.
  8. AngelFishBreeder

    AngelFishBreeder New Member

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    put them in there own individual tank feed well, plenty of bloodworm and watch em spawn. :)
  9. AngelFishBreeder

    AngelFishBreeder New Member

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    my female beats the male up if he doesnt help fanning the eggs n stuff, just a lil nip but he then helps :)
  10. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Thread Starter Active Member

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    Mine did this too... He seemed to like the abuse though... lol
  11. WhiteGloveAquatics

    WhiteGloveAquatics New Member

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    yeah, hence the Ike and Tina reference, I mean they look like two high school girls arguing, heads are all bobbing and weaving, they look like ali fighters in there.

    Yeah he kicked her around hard at first then she had enough and threw down and now it seems he is the submissive one but still picks fights, I can see she has eggs, she is plump. I got the filters and heaters, I might just set up the guppy tanks again, ill try and find an over under stand for them. I really want the angels to be successful

    I bought 3 originally, the two adults and a blusher that passed. so to get a pair out of the hole first time with angels is pretty good IMO. Ive had them since they were sold to me at petsmart at the size they sell the juves at maybe half dollar not quite and well they are my pride and joy, they have lived thru a 8.0 ammonia spike, almost lost the female in that one but QT'd her immediately and she recovered, I just did 50% PWC's every two days for a week and removed the sand and since then its been perfect, but they spawned the most in their rio negro tank.

    I figure it was just seperate get em a tank to themselves, use some mts for cleaners and just BB with potted swords, I got two planted tanks and another I am going to start on tonight hopefully(all my junk finally arrived) if I get the RO unit plumbed in today, all hardlines in this house. that takes a little time.

    appreciate the insight on this.
  12. AngelFishBreeder

    AngelFishBreeder New Member

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    Angel wigglers found today :) just started the shrimp hatchery :)