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Angelic Pim-Pimelodus pictus

Discussion in 'Fish Profiles' started by MOD_Dawn, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Family:Long-whiskered or antenna catfish, Pimelodidae.
    Characteristics:5 in, no known sex differences.
    Tank/Water:125g, water types 2-5, 77-83F.
    Care:Large tanks with plenty of free swimming space, few shelters, and good water movement, to comply with their need to move around. Omnivore.
    Habits:Active swimmers native to larger rivers in the Peruvian Amazon region. They are on the move all day, searching for food.
    Compatibility:With all fish that are not too small and are not bothered by their restlessness, such as Metynnis or Myleus. Fish that are too small might be viewed as food.
    Pimelodus pictus.jpg