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API ALGAEFIX.... Treasure or Trash?!?

Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by MOD_Dawn, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    API AlgaeFix

    Product Details:
    More Details:
    LINK to actual Product--> http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/p ... catid=4098
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Sat Oct 23, 2010 12:34 am
    Driftwood keeps getting a dark green algae that kinda resembles spot algae but covers the entire thing AND some fuzzy algae that seems to only accumulate on the Stealth Heaters and Digital Thermometer Line that Runs down to the Probe?

    I've tried adjusting the lighting, using a razor, scrubbing it with a toothbrush, adding algae eaters, used Flourish Excel, run a UV 24/7, and even adding Nerite Snails...blah blah blah and the stuff just keeps coming back.

    A local person who came for some discus babies the other day made mention she was having the same issue and with sharing the same water source stated she wanted to contact Hans and see if he had any answers being it only seems to occur in the discus tanks (she had other tanks and only the discus tank faced the issue, I noted that I didn't have the problem in the past when I had other types of fish too)...well I got the response that Hans recommended trying API Algaefix in addition to StressZyme and that it seemed to be working (or at least in this persons case).

    So I didn't see StressZyme at the lfs, but they did have the API Algae-Fix@ $11.99 for a 8oz bottle (which I made them pricematch for $4.64 for the same 8oz bottle) and figured since I don't have any Lobsters or Shrimp that I'd give it a whirl and dosed the tank with the API Algae-Fix tonight... which according to the directions came out to be close enough to the 10ml to simply dose with that amount (10ml treats a 100g tank, granted mines a 90g..but with the two xp4's and the turbotwist I simply judge that it's closer volume-wise to a 100g tank). Oh, I should note that I dosed with Prime just before adding the Algae-Fix just to be on the safe side.

    Monday will be the next dosing and only time will tell....wondering if just the API Algae-Fix will do the trick in itself?
    IMG_0772.JPG 9-23-10%20Algae%20on%20Driftwood.JPG
  3. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:01 pm

    These are today's photos and I must say that after not even 24 hours of dosing with this stuff that I am definately seeing an improvement on the Heaters, Clips, and Driftwood...the Moneywort plant looks to be the same as before (at least to me that is).
    10-23-10%20Algae%20on%20the%20heater%20itself%20and%20the%20clips.JPG 10-23-10%20tufts%20of%20algae%20at%20the%20top%20of%20the%20divider.JPG 10-23-10%20Driftwood%20and%20Moneywort%20Algae.JPG
  4. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:04 pm

    I'm really surprised your BNs don't eat the algae off the driftwood. I had a bit on mine and it's completely gone between the 2 BNs and 2 Clowns I have. The Tetra Algae Control I use never did anything to the algae on the driftwood. It only seemed to kill free floating algae.
  5. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:13 pm

    Even when I had the huge breeding colony of them I had the same issue (spotlike algae, but would cover the entire surface and NOT be in just little spots here and there).
  6. HBIC

    HBIC Need help??? That's what we're here for :)

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    Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:24 am

    That stuff is poison to ANY invert, you may have just killed your new nerites.
  7. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Didn't say that on the bottle? The nerites that are in the 90g are showing no ill effects .... Majority of them are loving the divider (grazing over it).

    I'll update,
    Monday I'll probably try doing a partial and re-dosing since theirs still some of the algaes left in the tank.
  8. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Just dosed the tank again as the I'm still seeing some fuzzy stuff on the heater & divider, in addition to some ?gsa on the driftwood.

    Nerites are actively grazing to date and have shown no negative effects from this product as of yet.

    Imo I see less algae along the body of the heater, less ?gsa on the driftwood and as for the fuzzy stuff on the divider AND heater clips- that pretty much looks the same.

    I'll update my experience with this product as I continue to use it.

    Photos were taken seconds after dosing just to show Before and Afters during usage.
    Algae on Divider.JPG Algae on Heater and Clips.JPG Algae on Driftwood & Moneywort.JPG
  9. HBIC

    HBIC Need help??? That's what we're here for :)

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    I SO hope you have no ill affects with your nerites form this, just keep a STRONG eye on them :)
  10. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Most definately,
    thanks for the heads up-most appreciated...I'll be checking them daily for sure to be sure all is well with them through the treating with this product.
  11. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Just updating,
    repeated dosings and the algae (which was clearing) on the driftwood is once again (for the most part) covered and the divider and heater suction cups are still showing the "tufts" of algae.

    The snails appear to have suffered no negative effects, so I'll probably dose a few more times (until the 1 bottles out) per directions and if all is looking the same by then I'll be giving up on this product and selling off the other sealed bottles more than likely.
  12. WhiteGloveAquatics

    WhiteGloveAquatics New Member

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    I used that stuff once, killed every single plant I had.

    yes it will kill inverts, that stuff is more toxic to inverts then coppersafe is.
  13. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    wow, really?
    I mean all my snails aren't showing any negative effects (but I'll be disregarding this product as I'm not seeing a large enough difference to continue use).
  14. WhiteGloveAquatics

    WhiteGloveAquatics New Member

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    yeah i took all livestock out of my 45 quite a few months back like spring time. I dosed 600ml of coppersafe, snails survived and continued to live on till i took the tank outside and razor scraped it.

    Yes 600ml at one time, the big bottle. got it on sale for $6 bucks so why save it?