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Aquabid Seller Jjkolodz & Ebay Seller usinverts

Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by MOD_Dawn, Nov 6, 2008.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Jeffrey Kolodzinski
    Aquabid: Jjkolodz http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/auction.cgi?disp&viewseller&Jjkolodz
    Ebay: usinverts http://myworld.ebay.com/usinverts/

    Hi all! Although I can't say I personally know this guy, I definately have to say that I have dealt with Jeff (Jeffrey Kolodzinski) numerous times in the past--through e-bay, aquabid, and directly through him through him using PayPal. I have always received excellent specimens in addition to great prices with fast shipping.

    On August 9th I picked up 100 Freshwater trumpet snails from him for $10 (which included the shipping), on August 10th I purchased 15 cherry shrimp for $15 (which included the shipping), and prior to that two seperate purchases of bristlenose plecos which I believe I paid $3.00 each for. VERY good prices and extremely healthy specimens ;)
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    In the middle of March I picked up the following from Jeff
    Xiphophorus Montazumae (about 1-1.5”) $8 each--> x2 (($16.00))
    Limia sp. Tiger (about ½”) $ 6 each-->x2 (($12.00))
    Ameca Splendens (about 1.5-2”) $4 each-->x3 (($12.00))
    Endler’s Livebearers (about 1”) $4/pair-->x3 pair (($12.00))
    Cherry Shrimp ($1.00)-->x10 (($10.00))
    Bristlenose female brown shortfins with the albino gene (about 2-2.5")

    The endlers arrived healthy, but within a few days they passed. I blame myself for this believing it was my acidic water that did them under (my ph is 6.0 or possibly lower).