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Aquariumplants.com : Tea, SD

Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by MOD_Dawn, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Location:46983 Mindy Street
    Tea, SD 57064

    Just wondering if anyone has had dealings with http://www.aquariumplants.com/Default.asp?Redirected=Y?
    I just placed a pretty descent order with them;
    I really wanted to order from http://www.azgardens.com/index.php, but didn't like the idea of not knowing in advance what your shipping charges would be. At least with the aquariumplants.com you knew up front...I just hope to hell the plants arrive in good shape (paid for UPS Next Day Air) :cool:
  2. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Active Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    Nope, but let me know because I thought about buying from them before. I didnt because I am leary of buying things from places I dont know.
  3. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    I hear ya, They just emailed me stating they were shipping it today and I should have it by tommorow. IF that's true then that isn't bad since the order wasn't placed until 2:48pm. today (jan 8th)
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    YIKES!!!!!I bet that shipping was a pretty$$$$
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    or either located really close!
  6. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    $28.96 overnight...actually for the size of my order it wasn't too bad. Plants in my area S&CK and are way too overpriced...so IF they arrive in good shape then I'll be happy.
    They're located--> AquariumPlants.com
    46983 Mindy Street
    Tea, SD 57064
  7. James0816

    James0816 New Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    I've dealt with a few online resources. Not sure if I can list them since my last hand slapping still stings ;) . But they were not one of them.
  8. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    okay, I'm hoping their good since I order a bunch of plants from them. They were only a few cents more here and there than azgardens, but I liked the fact that shipping was given up front.
  9. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    Okay here's the scoop:

    :eek: I was told they would be arriving the next day, however when I checked the status online it showed processing still. SO I called both their numbers two different times and got no answer from either...I followed up with an e-mail which I got no response to...and before I went to bed (early) I tried calling one last time and got an answer. The guy (never gave name) tried to help me and told me to hold on while he asked another guy in the background what was going on (apparently he didn't know how to use mute/hold)...I heard yelling and the guy who answered asking the other one in the background "why did you do that?"...and the guy in the background replying "oh well...tell her we're busy and refund her money!".. The guy who answered the phone asked if I heard that and I lied and said no because I felt bad for him. I told him the only reason I ordered was because of their customer satisfaction statement...and he offered to absorb the difference and package them after he got off the phone with me and ship them overnight using UPS next day with me guaranteed to receive them by12noon.

    :cool: All the plants made it in perfect condition (cold though obviously due to the weather). Extras of my order were included...and what I thought was just going to be one stalk of this and that turned out to be several!
    Almost everything had an excellent root system...although I do have to wonder about a few that were received without roots such as Most of the Limnophila 'hippuroides', brazillian pennywort, and the Bacopa Carolina. I'm no plant expert so I'm hoping they will take. I'll keep everyone updated.

    -> Here's all the different plants I ordered from them:
    -->Contortion Vals (along back wall-looks like tall spiraly grass)
    -->Crinum Calamistratum (middle center of back wall between coconuts)
    -->Purple Cabomba (In Front of the greek vase that is on the right side)
    -->Brazillian Pennywort (To the left of the long brown stone log which is on the back left side)
    -->Green Melon Sword (Tucked inbetween the Cholla wood that's near the back left side)
    -->Crispus Aponogeton (towards the middle left just behind the flattened stone house)
    -->Bacopa Carolina (towards the right just behind the stone face)
    -->Water Sprite (Left side of tank towards the middle...up against the glass wall)
    -->Limnophila hippuroides (Groups placed behind BOTH stone faces..looks purple)
    -->Dwarf Sublata (To the Right & to the Left of the driftwood centerpiece)
    -->Kleinerbar sword (In center front of driftwood)
    -->Glossostigma (far front right corner of tank)
    -->Micro-Sword grass (around the open mouth stone dude that's in the center front of the tank)
    -->Four Leaf Clover(front Left corner of tank)

    1-10-09 90g closeup of right corner after planted.jpg 1-10-09 90g closeup of center after planted.jpg 1-10-09 90g closeup of left corner after planted.jpg 1-10-09 90g back left corner after re-plant.jpg 1-10-09 90g just planted (freshwateraquarium.com).jpg 1-10-09 90g just planted freshwateraquarium.com order.jpg
  10. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    Everything looks great. Would you buy from them again ?
  11. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    Before I make quick judgements I want to wait a week to see how the plants do...especially the few without roots. For now, I must def. say the prices and selection were fab.
  12. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    Almost forgot to add I got the new light fixture today. I'm parting out anything I can off of the old P.O.S one. I'm still pretty ticked being it wasn't even a few months old. Grr! But anywho, I decided to add two 6500K bulbs and use the back two bulbs as 620nm actinics figuring it now should handle low-moderate light plants and be more manageable. Why the actinics? Because I like the look/feel of saltwater tanks & this is as close as I can come to one..literally..Lol!
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    Any updates on the plants from that site? Would be a great deal of help if you have found a good company.
  14. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    I would say 75% arrived ok. the other 25% died.
  15. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    I'd give aquariumplants.com another try...especially for the price they offer.
    If you want an idea on the shipping...just estimate about an additional $0.80 to the cost of each plant.
    A fabulous dealer that I have dealt with both off ebay and through his website is MikesWetPets. Plants came super fast and were in fabulous shape (Personally, I couldn't get nicer plants at my local lfs). He's great communication wise also! I've never ordered fish or cory's yet...but am tempted to do so in the near future.
  16. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    OKay, just received my 2nd order with aquariumplants.com.
    They arrived in a long skinny ups 2nd day air shipping box. Inside the box was ups bubble mailers and inside that was newspaper wrapped ziploc bags which contained my plants. This time the plants were seperated (same plants of higher qty's were placed together). I am happy to say plenty extras were included. My tank is looking fab. with the new additions (you can see them under the photo/vid planted section with the heading 90g planted).
    I would DEFIN. order from them again!! Yay Me!
  17. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    The plants look nice. Here in S.Florida I only have 3 month window if that to buy plants unless buy at pet store.
    Many raise them outside in fish farms so cheap enough for large amount .

    Other wise most die as box arrives HOT to the touch like it was in an oven with "melted" plants.
    I have used aquariumdriftwood.com and liked them nice portions.
  18. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    ;) I completely understand about the heat issue! I've done Disneyworld with the family and have to say I can do Floridas Oct-Dec weather...but other than that I would fry (heat sick & asthma--live in ac).

    :confused: I take it styrofoam and cold packs won't work for ya either?

    -> I checked out that site you mentioned http://aquariumdriftwood.com/shipping.htm...The shipping is about the same I am paying at aquariumplants, the plant prices are a touch higher and the selection is defin. more limited....HOWEVER, I must say I love the samples of driftwood they are showing! Especially the piece "Branchy with arms extending up and out'! Also, the packages look good for what they are listing.
  19. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    I have received several orders from this company...shipping is fast and the plants have since arrived great!

    The customer service (people answering their phone) has also improved dramatically...it now seems like the right hand knows what the left hand is doing! :)

    Imo the price can't be beat so I will defin. order from them again.

    Ps. I picked up the Tom Gardener Multi Grabbing/Trimming Tool for only $10.50!! *Woot* *Woot*
    That darn thing is $20+ everywhere else!

    For the planters amongst the forum...this tool rocks! https://www.aquariumplants.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=TOM01010
  20. GOT MTS?

    GOT MTS? Member

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    Re: Anyone deal with aquariumplants.com?

    I had A bad experience with aquariumdriftwood.com, and have read that many people have had the same or similar experiences with them.

    aquariumplants.com is very professional and I have gotten very nice plant orders from them.