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Aqueon Submersible Heater

Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by MOD_Dawn, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Aqueon Submersible Heater

    I've purchased two of these BRAND NEW from two completely different sources which came from different states even and BOTH of these heaters are reading inaccurate in addition to showing condensation INSIDE the heater itself. Heaters are set down to 76F, but are keeping water at 84-85F...and I HAVE tested the water with 2 different probes just to make sure that it wasn't the probes. I keep discus so that means I need warmer water temps, and luckily I pay close attention to my equipment! Had I kept it set at 84-86F (where I normally keep my tank) they would have fried for sure.

    -> If you have this heater at the very least you should use a temperature probe and check your waters temp. to make sure they coincide AND check the heater regularly for condensation (mine is easily noticable> can see the bubbles where the orange/red light comes on to let you know the heater is on).

    Aqueon (all-glass) makes a good tank, but sadly I can't say the same for this heater as I HIGHLY doubt I received 2 bads ones from two different sources/states. :rolleyes:

    To contact the manufacture of Aqueon Products click here (and yes, I've already notified the mfr. and am waiting to see if I receive a response regarding this matter)--> http://www.aqueonproducts.com/about/contact-us/
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    The mfr. promptly replied stating they will be replacing both of the heaters per their warranty (no receipt or packaging needed)...which means I don't have to dig through my paper work for a receipt. YaY!

  3. Jeff W

    Jeff W New Member

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    I have went through so many brands of heaters and they all end up being the same inaccurate. Until I went on Kens Fish and tried their Via Aqua heaters. They are around $10.00 each up to 300 watts I believe and they have been the most accurate of all the heaters I have ever used. I have them in all my tanks. Totally submersible. They have been running for over a year now and have not fluctuated more than 2 degrees. I stopped spending alot of money on heaters when I found these.

  4. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Thanks for the info, I blow through heaters like mad (lasting me on average only 6mos IF that).
    So far,the heater I was happiest with has been the rena smartheater...although 1 went wonky the one in the 20g is kicking butt. I've ordered from Ken numerous times, never thought to give the heaters a chance..will DEFINATELY have to do that once all the aqueons go.
  5. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Well the new Aqueon heaters came in as promised today.

    I think I'll end up using the ones I have in the tank already (their running steady, it's just the dial isn't accurate and the condensation doesn't appear to be having any neg. affect as of yet). I'll keep a close eye on them (as I do with ALL heaters) and probably save the replacements received as backups.

    ;) I must say I am definately delighted with their customer service.