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Armored Bichir-Polypterus delhezi

Discussion in 'Fish Profiles' started by MOD_Dawn, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Family:Bichirs, Polypteridae.
    Characteristics:14 in, male has larger anal fin.
    Tank/Water:87.5g, water types 2-6, 79-85F.
    Care:Often aggressive among themselves, better kept singly in aquariums with a hiding place (root, bamboo cane). Feed highly nutritious foods, such as fish meat, shrimp, pellets.
    Habits:Nocturnal bottom-dwelling predator from swampy river and lake regions of the Congo basin.
    Compatibility:With larger fish from the Congo basin that are not regarded as food: Distichodus, Synodontis angelicus, and Syndontis decorus.
    Polypterus delhezi.jpg