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Blue Ram/Gold Ram Cichlids (Information)

Discussion in 'Cichlids' started by Anonymous, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    What are the requirements for keeping these fish, I tried but failed and if I try again I want to do it right. Has anyone every successfully kept these guys?
  2. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: Blue Ram/Gold Ram Cichlids

    Well, according to what I found online just recently this is what's required. I haven't had luck with these guys so I can't offer personal experiences.

    Scientific Name: Mikrogeophagus ramirezi
    Pronunciation: m-kr-j--f-gs
    Common Name(s): Ram
    Geo. Origin: Orinoco River basin, in the llanos of Venezuela and Colombia
    Habitat: Shallow sandy or muddy bottoms with some vegetation
    Diet: Omnivore
    Gender Differences: Dimorphic
    Breeding: Substrate Spawner
    Temperament: Peaceful
    Conspecific Temperament: Mildly Aggressive
    Maximum Size: 3"
    Temperature: 84°F
    pH: < 6
    Water Hardness: Very Soft
    Difficulty: 4

    Though readily available in local fish stores from breeders in SE Asia, this fish has not fared well in many aquarists tanks. Water conditions outlined above should be heeded, if the goal is to give ramirezi the chance to thrive.

    Scientific Name: Mikrogeophagus altispinosus
    Pronunciation: m-kr-j--f-gs
    Common Name(s): Bolivian Ram
    Geo. Origin: Bolivia & Brazil
    Diet: Omnivore
    Gender Differences: Dimorphic
    Breeding: Substrate Spawner
    Temperament: Peaceful
    Conspecific Temperament: Mildly Aggressive
    Maximum Size: 3.5"
    Temperature: 72-79°F
    pH: 6-7.8
    Water Hardness: Neutral
    Difficulty: 2

    Bolivians prefer a planted tank with low light levels, driftwood (territorial markers) and lots of plants. They can be kept in pairs but show interesting social behavior in groups of 5 or more. Each fish should have at least a 10" square territory. Many consider "Bolivian Rams" an excellent choice for a South American community tank. Undemanding in regards to water chemistry, small enough to be kept in smaller aquariums, brave enough to be kept with larger fish. Their outgoing nature and eagerness to greet their owners make them very popular with aquarists.
  3. trajik ink

    trajik ink New Member

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    Re: Blue Ram/Gold Ram Cichlids

    i was going to comment but the info that anthony found basically covers it... :). i used playsand for the substrate though, $5-6 for a 50lb. bag.
    you have to rinse it before putting it into the tank.
    a lot of driftwood would insure you get the soft water they need.
  4. noshow discus

    noshow discus New Member

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    Re: Blue Ram/Gold Ram Cichlids

    always had the blue, kept them in the discus tanks at 7.0 ph 82 degree and up temp, always in the planted never tried them in bare bottom