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Bolivian Ram-Mikrogeophagus altispinosus

Discussion in 'Fish Profiles' started by MOD_Dawn, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Also: Papiliochromis altispinosus

    Family:Cichlids, Cichlidae.
    Characteristics:3 in, male has longer fins.
    Tank/Water:37.5g, water type 2-4, 79-85F.
    Care:Keep in pairs in loosely to densely planted tanks with root-wood structures and some flat stones. Feed all standard foods, especially live foods: small crustaceans, mosquito larvae.
    Habits:Quiet shore areas of fairly large bodies of flowing water and streams in northern Bolivia. Pair-forming open spawner.
    Compatibility:With South American tetras or cavity-brooding dwarf cichlids such as Apistogramma.