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Breeding clownfish

Discussion in 'Saltwater Fish Forum' started by DanBruv, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. DanBruv

    DanBruv Thread Starter New Member

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    has anyone done this sucessfully? My dad wants me to try and breed some 'colourful fish' lol. I have a book which says breeding them can be done in captivty, start off with 6 and let them pair off what size tank would i need?
  2. stevenrox

    stevenrox New Member

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    i had a breeding pair of tomato clownfish and i would say DONT DO IT :geek: It was the most misserable/some what intresting thing to do but definately TO MUCH WORK you start of with 6 and u get a pair ok then when they lay eggs you have to let it hatch with the parents then shine a light so frys swim to the light and syphin them out (harder then it sounds) much be feed LIVE BABY
    BRINE SHRIMP for like 7+ days which is to much work and then u must keep water clean and then you might get SOME to survive me personally only got 6 to survive and i sold them definetly to much hard work [cussing] [cussing] if u want to breed something colorful guppies would be easy, you could try bigger fish if u have room doviis very intresting, jaguars very cool to huge spawns, Discus intresting to breed, rams, EBJD
  3. DanBruv

    DanBruv Thread Starter New Member

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    thanks for the advice it does look like its more hassle :p
  4. punkazzoverb

    punkazzoverb New Member

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    we had a pair. for 5 years.. we call ed them the million dollar clown fish.( cause we spent so much money trying to make it work).. they would breed and lay eggs.. but never had a successful clutch of fish come out of it... like steve said (DON"T DO IT)