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CaribSea Instant Aquarium Tahitian Moon

Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by MOD_Dawn, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Instant Aquarium Substrate is ideal for most all freshwater aquariums, including discus, angelfish, stingrays, water turtles, and all community fish. It is packaged in water and mixed with a dechlorinator, ammonia remover, water clarifier and a biological boaster to begin cycling your aquarium immediately. Simply add water, its that easy. The unique sand sized grains help avoid food and fish waste from sinking deep into the tank bed so cleaning the aquarium has never been easier.

    Comes in Peace River, Sunset Gold, Torpedo Beach, and Tahitian Moon.
    Pictures can be viewed here>> http://www.petsolutions.com/Default.aspx?ItemID=18420832

    -> I just ordered a couple bags of the Tahitian Moon from Petsolutions because I had a coupon and they were cheaper even with the shipping than my lfs. (($53.00 for all 3 shipped to my doorstep UPS Ground))

    Arrived in two boxes (1 had 2 bags, the other had 1 bag).

    [*]The first thing I noticed was the "water mix" was crystal clear and that the overall product sorta reminded me of Eco-Complete Planted's packaging.

    [*]The second thing I noticed was it appeared much darker than the tahitian moon that I purchased in the past from petsmart (that didn't include the "water mix")

    [*]The diameter of the grain i'd compare to somewhere in between play sand and pool filter sand. Defin on the small tightly packed side ;)
    [*]It clearly reads on the bag that 1 bag is suggested per 20 gallons

    This will be going in the 90g after the redo ;)
    100_0010.JPG 100_0008.JPG 100_0005.JPG
  2. YellowCichlid

    YellowCichlid New Member

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    That substrate looks nice. I may try it one day
  3. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    I really liked it..its a nice shiny black and the mts love sifting through it!
  4. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Photo of tank done with Tahitian Moon Sand.
    4-27-08 Entire tank..jpg
  5. HBIC

    HBIC Need help??? That's what we're here for :)

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    I HATE this stuff, I have it in a 20 long and cannot keep inverts alive in it to save my behind. Mine is sharp and because of it I had to move my habrous cories to another tank, also mine seems to be attracted to the magnet in my mag float which is sort of weird.
  6. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Wow! Sorry to hear about your experience with it.

    Doesn't sound like you have the same stuff? Have you contacted the mfr?

    I'd compare it to semi-fine grain sand (?a tiny bit grainier than play sand, but not as big in diameter as pool filter sand)-just black of course. I'm sure in some of my photo's you can see the mag-floats on both tanks and while if you go low enough magfloats WILL pick up substrate, but I didn't have issues with it being "attracted" to it and even kept it a brief time when I had cherry shrimp and a bamboo shrimp in the tank. The moon sand was always advertised as softbelly safe, so you shouldn't have had to move the corys. Bad bag (I know it's possible with other types of substrate...not sure about the sands though).

    Now I do know eco-complete has recently reported issues with the use of the product initially in combo with R.O. water, but I've never read anything about the Tahitian.

    Something definately doesn't sound right HBIC, I'd be contacting the mfr. (I know the 20Lb bags go for about $20) and telling them what your encountering with their product..see if they'll do anything for you (even if it's a future coupon, it's better than nothing).

    If you have the product and store receipt I know you can take substrate back to certain petstores if you encounter a problem such as you are describing, but I personally would go through the creator first (caribsea).

    Link to their contact page in case you'd like to contact them--> http://www.caribsea.com/pages/contact/contact.html
  7. HBIC

    HBIC Need help??? That's what we're here for :)

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    Thanks for the suggestions but I am just the type that if I don't like the product or have a bad experience I just don't do business with that company any longer, that's enough compensation for me :)
  8. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    not a problem, I'm more that way too.
    If I don't like it I yank it and toss it and will never buy/recommend it again.

    Except with the heater incident cuz that was overpriced majorly in the first place and for soo many to be bad is just plain crap.

    Still nudge ya to drop a line to the company to get it off your chest so to speak and who knows, maybe they'll comp ya something out of it... how can they know if no one tells them/makes them aware.

    Ps. what are you using now for substrate?
  9. Rain

    Rain New Member

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    Is this stuff difficult so siphon?
  10. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    no, it's not extremely fine like the caribsea moonlight...I'd compare this to pool filter sand.