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Discussion in 'Fish Profiles' started by MOD_Dawn, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    The catfish, with more than 2,000 species are a species-rich order, represented by numerous families on every continent.
    Of particular significance for aquarium hobbyists are the South American suckermouth armored catfish or plecos (Loricariidae), and the callichthyid armored catfish (Callichthyidae).
    Of the African speices, the naked catfish or squeakers (Mochokidae), are especially popular.
    Besides these families, many species of which are represented in aquariums, the following enjoy great popularity among hobbyists: sea catfish (ariidae), long whiskered or antenna catfish (Pimelodidae), banjo catfish (Aspredinidae), thorny catfish (Doradidae), true catfish (Siluridae), glass catfish (Chacidae), and giant catfish (Panagasiidae).

    Most species are bottom dwelling.
    Because they are ecologically very diverse, catfish use practically all habitats and all types of food.
    The males of many species-such as suckermouth armored catfish-practice parental care, while other species completely ignore the eggs once they are laid.

    Catfish-Often Ideal for a Community Tank

    The catfish include both the funniest aquarium inhabitants, the callichthyid armored catfish, and some of the most bizarre, such as Sturisoma festivum.
    Catfish are often ideal companions for open-water dwellers, because they inhabit shelters and niches in the substrate not occupied by other aquarium residents.
    In combination with cichlids, problems may arise if the cichlids extend their territorial claims to the entire tank.
    pimelodus argenteus Siluriformes.jpg Siluriformes.jpg