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Checkered Barb-Puntius oligolepis

Discussion in 'Fish Profiles' started by MOD_Dawn, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Origins:Asia, where it is widely distributed across many islands the comprise Indonesia.
    Size: 5 & 3/4 in.
    Diet:Flake and livefoods, some plant matter.
    Water:Temperature 68-75F; soft (50mg/l) and acidic (pH 6.0-6.5).

    A dark, rather metallic sheen to the upperparts of the body helps to characterize the Checkered Barb. Males can be recognized by their deeper coloration, with the edge of their fins being black. Young Checkered Barbs grow rapidly and may be sexually mature by just four months of age. Spawning occurs near the surface on water plants such as Myriophyllum. A pair may produce up to 300 eggs in the spawning tank, after which should be moved back to the main tank. The fry hatch within two days and cab be reared initially on fry foods, and then on livefoods, such as brine shrimp. Algae will later be beneficial to improve their coloration. Regular partial water changes are vital to maintain the water quality. Overcrowding the young fish may stunt their growth, and will increase their rish of environmental diseases.
    Checkered Barb.jpg