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Chinese Algae Eater-Gyrinocheilus aymonieri

Discussion in 'Fish Profiles' started by MOD_Dawn, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Chinese Algae Eater

    Family:Algae eaters, Gyrinocheilidae.
    Characteristics:10 in, males stay smaller.
    Tank/Water:125g, water types 2-6, 76-83F
    Care:Large, strongly lit tanks with strong water movement. Large pebbles ans shelters in the form of stone slabs to provide retreats. Feed plants (such as lettuce leaves, cucumber slices) and "green" dry foods. Keep as a group (at least six) or singly.
    Habits:Algae eater that rasps algae from pebbles in fast-flowing stretches of streams in Thailand. A few old specimens are aggressive at times.
    Compatibility:With nimble Asian barbs (such as Puntius fasciatus) or rasboras and danios (such as Devario species).
    11-5-08 Chinese Algae Eater.jpg