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Crazy Algae

Discussion in 'Aquarium Equipment & Decor' started by genettico, May 28, 2010.

  1. genettico

    genettico Thread Starter New Member

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    There is definately more than one way to correctly "fix" an issue in an aquatic system, just as there are MANY ways to "correct" issues the WRONG WAY! Just because you managed to "fix" an issue in your tank does not mean that it is one of the "good ways". Blowing bacteria around, or photoshocking your system to eliminate cyanobacteria are 2 ways to do it the "wrong way". I consider it a wrong way when you potentially jeopardize the integrity of the whole system.

    Let me give this example:

    You have a problem with weeds in your lawn. You have several "right ways" of dealing with this. You can use specific chemicals that target the weeds, pull the weeds out, you can use a combination of chemicals, and mechanical ways ect. See, this 2 ways acomplish the same, in a SAFE manner and dealt specifically with the problem at hand, in a way that does not potentially threaten the entire lawn.

    Now let's consider WRONG WAYS of getting rid of the weeds. One could be you decide to use the sun as your weapon of choice along with some X acid. Now... you managed to kill the weeds... yay, but you also managed to kill half your lawn in the process. Now that's a bummer...

    I am VERY dissapointed with the moderation of this website. I would have thought the advice given here by such is to be trusted, as safe and that It would comply with one of several "good ways" of dealing with issues. Lots of it has to do with lack of understanding, and/or knowledge, but the right thing to do would be to back down when in doubt and NOT GIVE advice. The LFS advice is another WRONG WAY to deal with cyanobacteria. Yes, photoshocking your system with lots of MH lighting will definately kill cyano, but potentially corals, fish and the whole system.

    Giving advice has to also be responsible. Though this worked for you... (as you said), it is NOT the responsible thing as a moderator to allow newcomers to the hobby to think this is a viable solution to the issue. I can almost see how many people are going to go to the LFS and buy MH systems and/or blow cyanobacteria all over their systems because they were adviced here to do so.

    I feel bad for people that are new to the hobby and endup with soo much wrong information and they soon get discouraged after killing many fish and corals, but I feel worse for the poor corals and fish that died unnecesarily many times.
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    well if you don't like the website and want to put down our members then feel free to go elsewhere.
    I happen to support the members/guests we have here, and not put them down as you seem to like to do.