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Deceased Guppy in newly setup tank

Discussion in 'Fish Diseases & Cures' started by Anonymous, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    guppy vs filter induction : (

    Aw, man!

    Hello all, it's me-- Dan the new.

    As I mentioned in my intro, I've got a really small 4 gal tank with filter & heater, 2 angel fish, 6 freshwater shrimp, a snail that laps the aquarium about 20 times a day... and I did have 2 pretty cool guppies.

    One guppy seemed vibrant when I left for work last night... I was a little worried about the other. Came home this morning & the healthier one was sucked against the filter strainer. What the hey?!

    It's a new aquarium, not quite a week along.

    The angel fish are playing around like a couple clowns this morning. Do you think they may have whacked the guppy in well-intended play? Or is the guppy-loses-to-filter-suction headline fairly common?

  2. drazzill

    drazzill New Member

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    Re: guppy vs filter induction : (

    hard to say, what happened to the guppy, my guess is it prolly died and then got sucked to the intake of the filter, might want to purchase a test kit for Ph,ammonia, and nitrite, and nitrate. it usually takes 6 weeks to cycle a tank, meaning growing enough respective bacteria to break down decaying matter and left over food, and it sounds like your tank is prolly overstocked, general rule is about 2 inches of fish per gallon of water.
    it could be that your angels harassed the guppy or ammonia and/or nitrites area high, or both, unless your filter is way over rated as far as gph, fish usually don't get sucked in( unless illing or super stressed), and if it is way overrated all your fish would be sucked to it. hope that helps ya
  3. Guidoman888

    Guidoman888 New Member

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    Re: guppy vs filter induction : (

    Agreed. You NEED a test kit so we can help you further. Water parameters often say alot.

    There is a change the angels would've harrased the guppy but since they can live in a 4 gal and are most probadly small I bet they did.

    Second you might have to check your filter as it can also be to powerfull

    And last but not least it could be ammonia or nitrite like drazzil already said :)

    I hope it was usefull ^^

    About filtration your filter needs to be able to filter your tank aprox 4 (i might be mistaking I always do witht his :p) times per hour so in your case that would be 16 gph (gallons per hour)
  4. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Without knowing your readings it's difficult to say.
    I'm banking on the thought that your tank isn't cycled yet...causing stress and illness to the fish since your water chemistry is more than likely on the negative side...in addition to the overstocking...and possibly the angelfish going after it since they are semi-aggressive and quick and the guppy is a slower fish.
  5. stevenrox

    stevenrox New Member

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    here are the ways i see it
    1.your tank isnt cycled proberly and stress killed it
    2.your tank is to small and its kind of over stocked so water gets dirty really fast
    3.if you put a normal hang on filter it was to strong
    so i reccomend you to get a test kit as said before but

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  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I've got some info that may help.

    First, the filter is a hang-on that came with the Aqua Culture Home Aquarium Starter Kit 5, Model 5-15. I'm sure I read somewhere in the paperwork that it rates 100 GPH.

    Tests results (Jungle's 6-in-One Strip Quick Dip):

    Nitrate: 10 (well within safe)

    Nitrite: .5 (caution) Color really wasn't quite .5, but we'll call it that-- wasn't clear, either.

    Hardness: 25 (very soft)

    Chlorine: 0 (safe)

    Alkalinity: 40 (low)

    pH: 6.8-7.0 (neutral)

    I added 10 drops of Seachem's Prime to eliminate any ammonia.

    So. Where do I go from here?

    Poor guppy is obviously distressed now.

    What are the advantages of getting a small aerator stone/curtain-- think it would improve things?
  7. stevenrox

    stevenrox New Member

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    you get a bigger tank lol angels cant 4 gallon that long anyways lol but guppies always die out of now were how long have you had him might be stress
  8. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    1ST get a real test kit...liquid (api is good). I've done the test strips and compared them to liquid and they were off.

    Next...honestly imo I wouldn't invest another buck into that tank (it's gonna suck ya dry man)..I'd upgrade it to something larger. Even a 10g would be better and you could always convert it to a quarantine tank once you go bigger...then I'd pick up a bottle of Tetra SafeStart and dose accordingly to get it cycled fast.

    I know the itty bitty angels look like they'll do well for now, but you're gonna be shocked to heck how quickly they grow...And I don't think you want to deal with ich and stress related diseases due to overcrowding.

    Goodwill, thriftstore, craiglist...all good places to get used aquariums cheap.
    Ebay & Aquabid are also good places to get equipment such as filters, media, airpumps, aerators, and even chemicals like Prime.

    If you give me an idea of upgraded tank size I can help you with the equipment checklist to make it less daunting..I could even give you some online sites too.
  9. stevenrox

    stevenrox New Member

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    also i forgot to add if the angels stays in there to long it will stunt their growth if you want i can show you a pic of mines that i adopted off this guy he had it crammed in a 4 gallon for almost its whole life not the top fin is in a L shape
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Dude. Bottom line: pets = money pit.
  11. stevenrox

    stevenrox New Member

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    haha i know i used a lot of money of fish but its fun you can check out <a class="postlink" href="http://craigslist.org/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://craigslist.org/</a> their are ussually good deal and free stuff way cheaper then fish stores
  12. drazzill

    drazzill New Member

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    yup, just like kids = money pit x infinity, i know i have 5 lol [banghead]
  13. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    yup, I agree on the pets=money pits... especially if you don't know what your getting into and are giving improper advice. Been there..done that.

    That's why I am trying to save you a migraine in suggesting the larger tank. Larger water volume = more room for error and greater stability.

    I'm not saying make a house payment on new stuff either...go used..save a small fortune. Any pet is a COMMITMENT. Just depends on what your willing to get into.

    For fish the minimum involved imo would be the following (aka the lazy way):
    1)Daily checks to make sure everything in the tank looks and acts in a healthy manner..if not proper steps will need to be taken...get a mag-float and run it across the glass to remove any algae
    2) Daily checks to make sure your temperature is where you want it (tom oscar digital temp alert) and you'll HEAR when the temp is dangerous
    3) 20% tank volume partial water change weekly & adding Prime every time you replace/add new water--use a Python No Spill Clean N' Fill to save buckets and your back!
    4)Changing media such as carbon or filter floss every 2-4 weeks
    5) Filling a fish feeder monthly with some flake food or daily feeding (although twice a day feeding is better)
    6)Once cycled testing water on a monthly basis is a good practice...Defin test when somethings amiss.
    7) putting your lights on timers to stay on for 10-11 hours <not truly needed if you have no plants>
    8)Aerator can be set to come on at night (good for if you have plants...lower oxygen. levels may occur at night)
  14. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Your main components should be tank...heater...thermometer....filter...and some sort of stand that can support the weight (keep in mind a full tank is a heavy tank).

    Misc. would be a net...siphon...Prime or equiv...powerstrip...filter media (new usually comes with...used may not).

    Nice but not truly needed would be glass canopy...light fixture...timer...substrate...background...uv sterilizer...decorations...etc.
  15. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    super cheap substrate would be peagravel or silica free sand.

    super cheap background would be $1.00 plastic party banquet tablecloth...shower curtain...krylon spray painted for permanent...project board...melamine...etc.

    super cheap decorations would be rocks (vinegar test)...terra cotta pots....ceramic brillo pad holders (used in kitchen..NEW of course)...etc.

    fairly cheap lighting (tank size depend) could be a walmart shop ...a gooseneck desk lamp....etc.
  16. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Member

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    Is this a 4 gallon tank or 40 gallon?
  17. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    hold your breath jrow..its a 4..you read it right. And yes plenty have informed him that it's wayyyy toooo small for those angels.
  18. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Member

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    Just seems like that's the problem right there. I don't see how that would possibly work. The most I would put in a tank that small would be a Beta... How big is the filter in this tank? You could probably pick up a ten gallon tank for around 10-20 bucks. Still way small for 2 Angels but would be much better than the 4 gallons they are currently in...
  19. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    that was exactly my suggestion...lol. Theirs another topic somewhere about this also.
  20. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Member

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    I spent around 35 for my 20 long... 15 for an Aquatech filter that is supposed to filter up to 40 gallons, and 15 for a heater that is half the size of the 20 gallon tank. I have 1 Angel, 7 Neon's, and 2 Glolights and still have to do 2 water changes a week to keep the water from getting too cloudy... I learned the hard way when I put a Redtail Catfish in a 55 gallon tank... :( Angels can be aggressive. Especially when crowded. I wouldn't rule out the Angel's killing the guppy. You definitely need a bigger tank for them..