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Deteriorating Fish-Listless, Swim Issues & Lesions (Advice?)

Discussion in 'Fish Diseases & Cures' started by trundle_sam, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. trundle_sam

    trundle_sam Thread Starter Member

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    Hi all please help me!!!

    it started a bit over a week ago when I found my, A. Stuartgranti (Rubescens) siting in the very corner of my tank in almost wedged in between some rocks, upon closer inspection it looked like the fish was almost paralysed from half way down its back onwards he we still alive but could not really swim coherently i put him in my very crude refugium for a few days and it still looked like his tail did not work but he was alive and even eating, after a few days i put him back in with the general population and in very little time he was in the same place in the rocks where he remained for a few days until his condition deteriorated and his skin started to get covered in lesions, this morning i had to euthinase him.

    and this afternoon one of my female venustus took on a very very deep green color of which i have never seen her display and in less than an hour her swimming started to get messy and now she is in the same place in the corner of the tank looking very weak and kinda paralysed.

    ph and amonia is normal and all other 17 fish a fine.

    I live in Australia and use prime water treatment for my W/c's
    please help me
  2. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Active Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    Just a hunch due to the paralysis, Heximita or lateral line disease.

    Treatment Metronidazole Powder (in Australia sold as a perscription called "Metro" or "Flagyl"):
    Water: 1/4 teaspoonful per 20 gallons
    In Food: To mix in food for internal hexamita: Use 2 teaspoons per pound of food. Use frozen food. Thaw food, mix in powder. Then put food in a zip lock back and lay flat in the freezer until frozen. Feed once a day for 10 days.

    I am not an expert, but that is what I think would actually cause paralisis. One type of Heximita is also known as "Hole in the Head", I dont think it is this version..... I do think it is another. Do the fish poop white stringy poop?
  3. noshow discus

    noshow discus New Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    i am leaning towards lemons reply on this one could you post some pictures would really help .
  4. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    I agree, doing what he said will be your best bet. You're going to have to treat your whole tank probably, since the other and now this one have been in there for so long.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    How big is the tank, how often do you do waterchanges?
  6. trundle_sam

    trundle_sam Thread Starter Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    Yes there is the white stringy poop,

    tank is 250L

    once a week two weekes at the most
  7. trundle_sam

    trundle_sam Thread Starter Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    Oh and my venustus died last night within two hours of oticing something was wrong.
  8. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    Could be bloat then.
  9. trundle_sam

    trundle_sam Thread Starter Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    Pretty sure its not bloat as a few of the fish have come down with it in the past adn does'nt look the same, no swelling no floating etc.

    Also Anthony I finally found a latex background after many months of searching thanks for your help trying to source one for me.
  10. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Active Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    I am about 95% sure it is Internal Heximita also known as bloat. Some fish do not really "bloat". They NEED to ingest the Metro/Flagyl. Treat for about 5-8 days and they should be good as new. My discus get this from time to time and that crap will kill a discus as they will quit eating. As long as your fish are eating you can feed it to them. If they stop eating nuke the water with it.

    I disagree with Anthony and think that you should only treat the ones that are sick and not the whole tank.

    Again I have been on boards with many Australians on them and they tell me that Metro and Flagyl are prescriptions there (here in the US they are not really)
  11. noshow discus

    noshow discus New Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    i disagree with Lemon treat the whole tank have lost 2 that are in the tank now chances are the others have got it and are not showing signs of it yet
    so like Ant stated treat the whole tank something in there is causing it.
  12. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Active Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    Hey, differences in opinions... well I just converted liters to gallons and that is a 65 gallon tank.... not too big so it would not be too expensive to treat the whole tank (my 125 is kind of hard to treat the whole tank)
  13. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    I think the whole tank should be treated because several fish have died in the tank, with the same symptoms.
  14. trundle_sam

    trundle_sam Thread Starter Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    So i have some anti parasite gear which main ingredient is TRICHLORFON.
    will that work?

    thanks again for all ya'll help

    Also the water freaking stinks like rotting crap,
    never noticed that last time i took the lids off.
    have checked for dead-uns in the rocks but all fish accounted for
  15. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Active Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    Metro or Flagyl, these are the drugs for Heximita

    API sells this stuff as "General Cure" in US fish stores.... not sure about Australia
  16. noshow discus

    noshow discus New Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    sounds and smells like a good wipe down is needed.
    when was the last time you cleaned your filter completely? the pick up tubes inside of the filet itself?
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    Sounds like you need to seriously vaccuum the gravel, theres probably uneaten food decaying in the substrate. Also, stagnant water will cause your water to start smelling, which may also be why your fish are dying.
  18. LemonDiscus

    LemonDiscus Active Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    You do make a good point that I overlooked! And bad water usually is the source of Heximita. That is why I "personally" would not treat the whole tank, but water change and vacuum DEFINITELY.

    Sorry I did not mention that before.
  19. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    Yep, great job Nelson. Excellent points.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Mystery illness symptoms claiming my fish.

    Thank you, thank you. Just here to help.