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Distressed/Stressed Guppy

Discussion in 'Fish Diseases & Cures' started by Anonymous, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: Guppy in distress!

    How did you acclimate the fish to your tank water ?
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Guppy in distress!

    hah that may be it...there is male that chases around all females.
    Also, the fish that died recently, her belly was white and very slightly bigger and the rest of her body was kinda black. Her fins were fine.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Guppy in distress!



    I have posted 2 pictures there. One of my tank and the other consisting of 3 fishes..1 blue male and 2 blue females. 1 of the blue females in that picture died.
  4. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: Guppy in distress!

    With guppies they have what is referred to as a gravid spot.
    When pregnant you can see into their belly from the outside and usually see "black spots" which are the babies/eyeballs of such. The body being black throws me off, How many do you have in this tank? ENough oxygenation?

    For the chasey male be sure to have plenty of females...this will break up the "aggression" of his chase between them all and not enable him to single out one and overstress her.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

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    Re: Guppy in distress!

    Anthony, what do you mean by acclimate?
    well, before dropping the fishes in the water, I put the fish bag in the water and allowed it to float. umm and then I used this water conditioner when adding new water... does that count as acclimating?
  6. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: Guppy in distress!

    Do you know the water parameters of the water they were kept in ?

    You didn't dumb the water from the bag into your tank did you ?
  7. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: Guppy in distress!

    Acclimate is a fancy word for adjusting your fish to the new water.
    Typically most will tell you to float the bag in your tank for about 10-15minutes...and every say 3.5 minutes remove a portion of the water that's in the bag with them (tossing it) and replacing it with the same amount of water that's in your tank. Goal is to slowly remove the water in their bag and have the bag completely replaced with your tank water enabling them to adjust to the difference.
    Once you've done this (replaced water with your tank water about 3 times)...and they don't appear to be in any stress they are considered acclimated. You can scoop/net them out and transfer them to your tank.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Guppy in distress!

    dang....i knew it!
    I am sorry guys...I did dump the water in bag into the tank!

    Is it repairable?
  9. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: Guppy in distress!

    You never want to introduce water from a fish store into your home tank.

    At this point I would attempt to do several 30%-50% water changes over the next few days.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

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    Re: Guppy in distress!

    yeah...I thought so too. I have done 2 water changes in 2 days and will be doing the 3rd change in a few minutes. I just fed them. Did you see the pictures?
    Thank you!
  11. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: Guppy in distress!

    On the plus side, the fish in those pictures look healthy. ;)
  12. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: Guppy in distress!

    Yep, the rest look good! Do as Anthony said with the water changes...when all is well is fishland get yourself a few more females--or you can stick solely to the males since they are always more colorful.
    Fish stores HIGHLY overstock their tanks, and most of the workers at MOST of the fish stores either highly overfeed them causing water quality issues. Also from overstocking this causes stress and infections in most cases.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Guppy in distress!

    Thank you for your advice. I just changed 40% of the tank's water. The fishes are doing good. I will certainly post a lot more pictures soon. And yea...I think I will get some more females tomorrow so I can save the existing females in the tank from getting stressed.
  14. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    That or pluck the bad male.
    Looking forward to the photos!
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

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    Re: Guppy in distress!

    I love guppies, it felt good every time I found a new baby or two in the tank or filter. if you want to raise the babies I would get a small tank, a 10 gallon if you can, then get a sponge filter, for a fry(baby fish) tank you really don't need any more then that. hope you enjoy the Guppies, and if you do start raising the fry, let them be plentiful.
  16. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: Guppy in distress!

    Well you do need just a bit more, a heater..some fry food...and the obvious-pre-treated water.
    Sorry Writer...I had sugary cocoa. Lol!
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

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    Re: Guppy in distress!

    well I'm agree with the heater and per-treated water(even thought I just used tank water or tap water), but for guppies the babies are big enough for finely ground fish flakes. they really don't need what shops call Fry food.

    Warning: If you live in the city use Treated water.
  18. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Clarifying treated: Water that has a pre-treatment added to remove the baddies...Products that I personally recommend are Prime and Tetra Aqua Safe.

    Fry food is basically the same as the flake food...just powdered! Unless you get the messy liquid squeezy kind that comes in the small tube..then that's what I call cloud haven!

    Defin. a good call writer with the treat warning. (passes out a gold sticky star)
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Guppy in distress!

    Yea I live in the middle of nowhere AZ, so we have a well, I test it and found out I don't need to add any thing to the water. So i don't really use treated water it would be kinda of a waste of money, although I thing I might have to adding so PH minus to the water.
  20. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: Guppy in distress!

    Really? I mean you have no issues with the chlorine...man I am jealous!